Saturday, April 01, 2006

It Begins

My move to Japan is about to arrive. It really snuck up on me. I thought I had more time. Tomorrow is my going away party that my parents have arranged for me. The next day I will finish my final packing and leave for Fort Worth to spend the night a hotel. I will have to get up around 2 in the morning and get ready to leave. Then around 3:45 I will arrive at the airport and check in for my flight. I will take an American Airlines jet to Ohara airport in Chicago. After a 2.5 hour lay over and a nice visit with my sisters (who live near Chicago) I will board JAL flight 9 for Tokyo Narita airport. On Friday some friends and I went to a Japanese resturant in Fort Worth for a going away celebration. It was really fun, infact it lasted about 2.5 hours. It's a shame that I will not be able to do that again(or atleast until my friends go to visit Japan). I think I will meet Ichikawa-sensei in Japan first. That should be very interesting (I can't wait). Unfortunately I don't feel excited about going to Japan as of yet (perhaps it will happen when I arrive at the airport). Well, to all of my teachers and friends who are reading my blog, I just wanted to say thank you for all the help that you have given me over the years. Sayonara!!! (Also, I just published some pictures to my blog, I have not made a photo album to post as of yet-I don't know why the one picture was published 4 times)

There are 2 Physics Quotes for today by the father of Quantum Physics Himself-Dr. Max Plank
(Yes, Quantum Physics is Important-if not the most important field ever developed in my opinion) Also, I regret to say that I actually had to look these up-I didn't have them memorized.

"Scientific discovery and scientific knowledge have been achieved only by those who have gone in pursuit of it without any practical purpose whatsoever in view."

"Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve."
(I put this last quote in for my elder sister who wouldn't stop talking to me about philosophy earlier-she's trying to convert me I think)


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