Wednesday, October 03, 2007

My internship and a brief stop back at Nagoya

Okay, my blog is doing some strange things because I cannot see the pictures or control where they will be before I publish the article (so please forgive me if it is out of order). Anyways, I don't have access to the internet at the temporary housing that I'm staying in while I do my internship (in Tsukuba) and I cannot write in my blog at the company (it's unprofessional).
I returned to Nagoya a couple weekends ago to visit my friends and go to a birthday party. It was Lea's birthday (she should be in the top photo). I forgot how old she is now, but since she is a girl does it really matter? The only thing that is important is that she is older than me. Anyways, she is about to graduate with her second masters degree. I don't know if she will leave Japan and go back home to the Phillipeans after that or stay in Japan. For her birthday party we all went to a Brazillian place in Sakae. They served mostly meat, which made me happy because most Japanese dishes don't have that much meat and have a lot of greens. I also got to taste a baked cinnimon pineapple (it was delicous). I would like to know where to find that in the USA. All and all, the party was pretty fun.

One of my friends finally returned from Brazil (but I still haven't been able to contact him by phone yet). He's in Tokyo for a conference and I'm in Tsukuba (close to Tokyo) so I was trying to contact him and talk him into going to the one and only Burger King in Japan. In fact, this BK just opened up a few months ago. I really want to try it.

Next with the pictures are 3 pictures of Tsukuba. The rocket is part of the Expo center in Tsukuba. Tsukuba is also the place where Japan's space program is located. If I have time I will visit it before I leave. The other picture is just some picture of one of the many many parks that are here. And last is a picture of the inside of a house built several hundered years ago in Tsukuba. Not that interesting, but I posted it anyways (besides, the tour was free). Tsukuba is also a place that advertises to large research companies (even from abroad) to open branch offices in their town and the city will give them some financial benefits. I don't know about foreign companies, but Japanese companies latched onto the idea. There are a ton of research companies here. In the morning most of the buses at the station are private buses sent to pick up company employees (I ride one of those).

I must say that I like the atmosphere of Tsukuba MUCH better than Nagoya. Maybe I just hate the crowds and the noise of Nagoya... Anyways, I better go, I'm at an internet cafe writing this and there are other things I need to do on the computer before I leave tonight. My internship ends on the 19th of October. I will probably do another article on the 21st or so (it will be over either names of drinks and Japanese English or Japan's drinking culture...Either way it will be a funny article I think). See you around.


Blogger Unknown said...

hey Ben!! where have you been? I had a friend who studied in Tsukuba, she told me that the place is really good...

9:16 PM  

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