Thursday, May 11, 2006

HomeStay Photo's Are Now Posted

I should say that some of the photos appear very dark because we were standing to far away for the flash to have any effect (as a result you cannot even see some peoples faces). The is a very fun trip. For those of you who are reading this, I am probably going to Tokyo really soon to visit my Japanese teacher from America. I will take lots of photos. You may be asking why I posted the photos in 2 different posts. It's because there is a 10 photo make per post. There are 19 photos in all (I think). The people in the photos have already been introduced. My hair is messed up because I took a bath every night instead of a shower every morning while I was staying with them (I did comb my hair with water and I don't use gel). I would like to visit again someday.

To stay with the tradition of posting a quote with every worded article, I have a quote of the day:

A short and easy quote by Philip Snyder (I don't know who he is but I remember his quote)

"Either I'll find a way or I will make one."

It's really easy to remember.
Talk to you later.


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