Friday, May 26, 2006

My friends at the Kaikan (international residence)

These are friends of mine that live at the Kaikan with me (I'm having a little trouble controling the pictures, but there are only 2 pictures this time). On the first photo (on the left side of the screen) starting on the left is Fousht (I don't think that is the correct spelling) from Brazil. He is a big guy and very humorous. Next, on the right in the first photo is Whyle (sounds like one is saying Y L). He is from Pallestine (a country that is not actually recognized by most of the world, but they claim to be a country so I am going to call it a country). He is a crraaazzzzzyyyy guy, but it helps when we are tring to meet girls if he is there (because he is not shy at all, infact he is the main reason that we have several Japanese girls come over to the Kaikan to watch movies with us and speak in Japanese every Saturday->next week, all of us and the Japanese girls that we have befriended will be going either bowling, to a movie or to Karaoke. So, that's good.). Maybe I will take pictures when we go bowling, karaoke or to the movies and post them to my blog.

Now, the bottom picture... Starting on the left and working our way to the right is Paul from Ecuador. I think that out of all the non-native English speakers that I have met, Paul speaks English the best. It is sometimes difficult to pick up on his accent. He is a computer programmer and a good cook it seems (and it should be noted that he really likes apples->it's an inside joke). Next, standing with confidence and authority is Cecil from Brazil. He is part Japanese and he is a really funny guy. You should see his impressions of famous movie sceens (we have them recorded on a digital camera). He usually wears soccer shirts and he is a huge soccer fan (of Brazil ofcourse). Finally, on the right is Marni from the Phillipeans. He is working on his Doctorial in Medicine (although, the exact decipline I do not really know). He is an interesting guy. I know a lot about the Phillipeans that I did not know before (because I talk to him often, he is easy to get along with). With few exceptions, all the people I have met here just seem like normal people that I would meet in America, they don't act differently or anything(I did say with few exceptions). You cannot see it in this picture, but we are standing right next to my room at the Kaikan (this converstation went on for a while, but it is fun talking with them because they are interesting people). One of the things that I enjoy the most here is getting to know other people from around the world. I am learning a lot.
Other than that, today I had language exchange and tomorrow I have research group meetings (and it is saturday). This Friday we don't have classes because of the summer festival. I think I will go to that and to the Nagoya castle and post pictures from the trips to this blog so don't stay away for to long. I recieved an e-mail from my youngest sister today wishing me a happy birthday(which is odd, because the e-mails that I sent to my younger sister and my mother have continued to be unanswered). So, if you are reading this Ducky, you should look at the pictures that I have posted to the other articles below this one (your in there). Well, it is really later here (1:10am) and I have to get up in the morning so I better go. Just wanted to introduce some of the people I have me. So, to end with is the quote of the day (there are actually 3 because I couldn't decide which one to use).

Quote of the Day:
"Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other problems."
- Rene Descartes (1596-1650), "Discours de la Methode"
(I could tell you some stories about old Rene->I like his quote 'I think therefore I am' a bit more, but it is for another day. Unfortunately, I am to tired to go into a description of his impact on Math and Physics, but trust me, you have or will use the things that he created during your life for many years)

"Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe."
- H. G. Wells (1866-1946)

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
- Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-1930)
Well, that's it. Check with me in a week or so and I will have more (or less) to say.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks (and sounds) as if things are going well for you over,up,below,.....there.(?) Anyway in Japan.Are you sure you are studying?Sounds like your having way to much fun. Don't get me wrong,you deserve it.Hey, how 'bout letting someone else hold the camera once in a while? Need a picture of you doing something crazy like......surfing atop that super fast train you told me about. ANYWAY,or as if your mom would say, anywho, I could not get through via your web adress. Let me know how. Gotta go.Much to tell you,but my two fingers hurt from all this typing. I would like to leave you with a quote or two: If it were too much fun,it would'nt be called work.[R.W.Straten] also, Remember, a bad day of fishing is always better than a good day at work.[Uncle Rick] If any of you lacks WISDOM,let him ask of God,who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. ( James 1:5 )

1:08 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Hey Uncle Rick,
I'm glad that you stopped by to look at my blog. I would call, but international phonecalls are very expensive and I am just a poor college student (I have been using that line for years). I'll tell you what, when I take trip to the Ninja house, I will have a friend take a picture of me tring to ambush a Ninja. If you want to see how that turns out you will have to come back to my blog. I wont actually be going to the Ninja house until the end of the month. I will try to get in more of the photos. Please check my blog periodically. If you cannot contact me by e-mail still (I sent my correct address to you) you can just repost a comment on my blog (it is sent to my e-mail) and I will make a link for it so you can copy and past the address. Well, write again soon. Later

3:01 AM  
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10:20 PM  
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2:19 AM  
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9:17 PM  

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