Thursday, June 01, 2006

Quick Responce-Uncle Rick

I have very little time, so this will be short. Sometime over the weekend I plan on putting picture of the Nagoya Universit Summer Festival up on my site and writing a excert about it. I also plan on puting picture from a trip to a Ninja House (which I will not go to, but I will give a friend my camera for a day->I want to see, but I don't have time). So you should check my blog soon. I have a training seminar all day today (and I had it yesterday from 9am to 10pm->it lasted an hour longer than it was suppose to, I was standing up for about 90% of the time). Today the seminar will last from 9am to 10pm according to the schedule (it is 8:50).

Other than that, I herd from my Uncle Rick the other day. He posted a comment to the last article. I told his step son that I would post a picture of a MacD's on the site, but I have not found one built in Japanese archetecture (just modern buildings). So, my responce to the comments are usually on the same comment page that they were made, but I don't think that uncle Rick surfs the web alot, so it may be difficult for him (or anyone else for that matter) to notice something that discrete. So, Uncle Rick if you are reading this, I just wanted to say hello. Thanks for writting. I'm always happy to here from you. Actually everything is going pretty well. Iam not as good a Japanese as I would like to be. Sometimes I don't understand anything(it depends onhow much sleep I get). There are alot of things to dofor fun on the weekends, but I think I will ahve toquit doing fun things on the weekend and startstudying Japanese a preparing for my research (whichstarts next week I think). I am going to do anarticle about the place I live at and my univeristy(with pictures) soon for my blog, but before that I amgoing to post pictures of the Ninja House trip that issuppose to take place this weekend. I don't know if Iwill go, the University summer festival is going to begoing on for the next several days, I may give mycamera to a friend and just go to the universityfestival (I will also probably take picture of it onone of the days that it will be going on, since itlasts for 3 days). I just revieved an e-mail frommother. I didn't know that they had already movedback to Texas. Well, I'll write later. Please chechmy blog from time to time. Have fun in your fishingand don't work to hard. I will be working hard tolearn Japanese fluently and having fun doing physics. LaterBen In Japan (nagoya). Well have to go. Less than 4 minutes before the seminar.

Quote of the day is made by the Famous Uncle Rick:
"A bad day of fishing is always better than a good day at work."

See ya


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