Thursday, December 28, 2006

Howdy Y'all, I'm in Texas!

Howdy, this is my first and last post while I'm here in the Lone Star State (a.k.a. Texas). I really missed a ton of things from Texas, such as: open fields, having a lot of space, horses, breads, cheese, Tex-Mex food (and I'm eating a ton of that stuff), understanding people (words and logic), friendly people (don't get me wrong, Japanese people are usually very kind and helpful, but Texans are friendly->it's a little different), etc... I only have about one more week here. I visited my sisters of course and my Uncle Rick and his wife, son, and new born son (that is always fun). Uncle Rick and I went to West and got some Kolaches (that may not be the correct spelling) and they were good!!! I missed Kolaches. I want to bring some back for my friends in Japan, but I don't know if I will be able to. I have a ton of gifts for people back in Japan (but getting them to Japan will be a bit difficult because of the weight limit for luggage). Also, things that are really expensive in Japan are really cheap here. I remember once that my friend Paul and I went to a place called Village Vanguard and saw a Texas belt buckle. The price of the belt buckle was around 15000 yen. But in Texas you can get a much better quality belt buckle of the same size for about 15 dollars! If it wern't illegal, I would just bring a ton of stuff like that back with me and sell it (I could make some serious money). Also cowboy boots, you can get 3 pair of okay quality boots for around 100 dollars, but in Japan it would be more than 600 to 800 dollars per pair (atleast at the places I have seen them at in Japan). The only thing that cost less in Japan is the luggage (and also I think that Japanese luggage is better). I know for a fact that Japanese electronics cost more in Japan than in Texas(for the same product)!!! Well, I wrote once before that when I returned here I was going to go to Whataburger and get the most unhealthy burger on the menu; along with large fries and large drink (which is several times larger than a Japanese large drink and you can refill it as many times as you want for free), but I didn't get the most unhealthy burger (which for the record would probably be the Tripple meat, tripple cheese, tripple bacon whataburger with everything on it). I only got the double whataburger with no cheese and no bacon. Also, I couldn't finish the entire drink there (nor the fries). I think I will try again before I leave. I will have a couple days of vacation left when I return to Japan, I think I will go and visit with my friends (I have a ton of gifts to give them). I like Japan, but I'm not sure I will really be able to completely adjust to being away from Texas. But for now I think I can still live in Japan for a while (usually it's fun because of all the people I get to meet from around the world). I get to learn a lot from them I think (maybe they learn a thing or two from me as well). Anyways, I took a picture and posted it on this article. It is at my uncle's place. Because of the shading you can't really see the horses in the background, but they are there. Well, lets end this article with some good ol' fashion Texas wisdom (this is a Rickdom that has been posted here before):
"You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friends nose."

Well, that's all from Texas. I'll post another article about my trip (with a lot more pictures) a few days after I return to Japan. Unfortunately, I did not get to visit any of my professors while I was in Texas, so if your reading this professor Jones...I wanted to come by and say hello, but I just couldn't.
See y'all around.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello,Ben. 久しぶり!
Your article is always interesting.
Prices in Japan is more expensive than Texas? This might be first time to hear that.
I was suprised that how boots cost in Texas. That is like cheap sneakers cost.
That's sounds good!
I like boots, but they cost too much in Japan. So I don't buy them.
But If I could go to Texas, I would buy.

Well, as for me, I couldn't go to shrine and temple this year because I went back to my hometown late.
I mean,I always go to shirine on Jan.1st at around 0:00am with my family.
Of course, I could go there later somehow or other. But I had something to do like entertaining the relatives.
My grandmother lives with my parents, so most of my uncles, aunts and cousins came to my family's house.
I spend busy, but happy days in my hometown.
I'm also glad that you had good days in your country.

By the way, I guess I know your feeling about friends in foreign countries.
I met women from England, Korean and Taiwan this winter and had a fun time together, I learnt many things from them, and maybe they learnt a thing or two from me as well, too.
I also learnt speaking common language is really important.
I know that we can communicate with foreighn people althouh with out that, but if I want to make a relationship more deeply, we should study language each other.
Oherewise, we will see only the surface of them.

9:59 AM  

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