Saturday, November 11, 2006

Why there are no recent articles

Hello again. It's been a long time. The reason there have been no recent articles on my blog is because I am busy studying for a entrance exam. At the moment I only have the status of foreign research student (not actually graduate student), so I have to take the entrance exam. I have no idea what it will be like (just that there are certain sections such as a basic math, quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, E&M, electrical engineering and solidstate section). I think that those that take the Japanese entrance exam have some what of an advantage because they have an idea of what to study for. They have old exams and compare the questions and see that there are specific types of questions that will be asked. However, the foreign student entrance exam is completely seperate and the problems will not be similar. The sections that will be on the exam are extremly large sections to study and I don't have enough time to study them all. Plus, I didn't bring some of my more important books and the library here is a little understocked with the right kinds of books (and most of them are very old and are located at different libraries around campus). I was happy to see that they had the Arfkin (but it was only the second edition and not the 4th) and Morse and Feshboche (or however you spell his name). But Morse and Feshbocke is difficult for pretty much everyone to understand. So I don't have time to go anywhere or do anything right now.

So it turns out I will be going back to Texas for the holidays. I will return to Texas for about 3 weeks starting on the 14th of December (about a month away) and I will return on the 4th of January.

Also, there is a physics conference in Dallas some time next year that my professors are going to. I told them that I am from that area of Texas (maybe they will take me along as sort of a guide. Besides although my professors sort of speak English, I think I am one of the only ones here that could understand or speak the Texas accent). I guess we will wait and see (so maybe I get to return to Texas for a 3-4 day period next year around April?).

I am having a Thanksgiving party with some of my friends (about 15 of them). I am having trouble arranging things because of my exam. I haven't reserved the room that we need yet or ordered the Turkey, but as far as food goes, almost all of it is taken care of. I decided against Japanese food at the party (because I want it to be like a traditional Thanksgiving). I think it will be interesting and I will take lots of pictures (it is what I plan to write about for my next article). At the moment I have it planned for the 23rd of November (which is Thanksgiving day). Since it is a non-religous holiday, all my friends can participate. And also, since the only thing that will have pork in it at the party is the greenbean catalina dressing things, my friends from the middle east will be able to eat practically anything there. So, that is what I plan for my next article. I will try to have it written by the 25th or 26th of this month. Please stop by again then. Anyways, see y'all around. Vio Condios mi amigos.
(No quote of the day, I don't feel like using my brain to think of one right now)


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