Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Thus Far

I ment to write this article a few days ago. I guess this is a recap article of all that has happend here thus far.
A long time ago I started the application process for the monbukagakusho scholarship. Then eventually I got accepted. So I can to Japan on April the 4th. The plane flight was long, but I was able to stop in Chicago and see my little sisters one more time before I came here. Luckily, I flew JAL (which is probably the best airline there is I think), so the long flight was not that bad. When I arrived I spent one night in Tokyo and then had to get up the next morning and get on the bullet train for Nagoya Station. On the way I met other people who were also going to Nagoya University. Oddly enough we all ended up on the same train and in the same dorm (there is a much larger dorm that they send most students to, the one I stay in has around 30 or 40 students). Also, most of our rooms were on the same floor and in the same hallway. So, I made friend very quickly when coming here. After that I wonderd around the section of the city that I live in and got lost several times (and my Japanese wasn't as good back in those days). I met all the people in my lab (I'm the only foreigner, while most of the other students have other foreigners in their lab).
Then we started classes and I became busy. During golden week holiday in Japan I did a home stay with a host family. I think that was fun (but I still feel like I was imposing on other people). I made some Japanese friends. I joined a basketball circle and made more friends. I found some people that I didn't really care to know. There was a festival at the University. I made people watch the Shaw Shank Redemption (ofcourse). I went to a Ninja House and then climbed up a mountain to a temple (why they build the temple on the mountain??? I suspect that once they got up there, they didn't feel like walking all the way back down, so they decided to live up there instead). Some friends and I went to eat Mexican food. Some of my friends and I went to see fireworks at a festival in Toyota city. Their was a lab trip where I drank way to much and regretted it (I wont do it again). A basketball tournament where we lost in the quarter finals. The other day I went looking for my own apartment. Also, just the other day I got a package from my father in the mail. And now I am sitting in the lab writting about it. Do you know what Texas chopsticks are? I do. Also, a ton of stuff happend in between.
Soon, I plan on taking a trip some where (Shiraishi Jima I think), but I have not decided where. Next article I write will have pictures I hope, but for now I will see you around.
Quote of the day (I don't know who it is by):
"I will try to be a master among men and no longer a dreamer among shadows."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the Texas toothpick? I really don't think some people would understand.Do you know that the only thing that keeps Texas from falling off into the Gulf of Mexico is the fact that Oklahoma sucks so much.

Sorry if that offended any of you Okees. Feel free to go to Japan and take it up with Ben!!!!!

10:13 AM  

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