Sunday, July 09, 2006

Taquilla Margerita, A square named after me and REAL Mexican food (sort of)

It has been a while since I updated this blog now, but I have been a little busy. The summer break is about to begin at the University (except for those of us, such as myself, who have decided to take the intensive Japanese Language Training course over the summer). Atleast the school won't be as crounded for a while. Soooo, what has happend in these 2 weeks? I went to a place called Village Vangaurd which has a lot of cool things from around the world (including TEXAS-things like Dr. Pepper). So, I bought a lot of DP and gave some to various friends of mine thinking that, since I enjoy the great taste of DP (although I haven't drank a DP in a long time) that my friends would also enjoy the great taste of DP. Not only is it the #1 soft drink in the south of America, but it is also better than Coke I think. But again and again I was told, 'It taste like Medicine' or something like that. Well, I would like to know where to get some of this medicine. DP can't really be good for ones health, but medicine is. So, I think I want to switch to something that is more healthy. I was suprised to find, that out of everyone that I gave a DP to, only one of my friends (the one from Equador) spoke of it favorably. In Texas, I quit drinking soft drinks for about 2 years, but since I am here sometimes I want to eat and drink somethings that remind me of Texas a little (strange I know). So, I had to go to Nagoya to start drinking Dr. Pepper again (and I have always enjoyed the taste of DP). Now, Mexican food is another story. I went to another Mexican food place in Nagoya. This one had a real Mexican chef (and it was run and owned by Mexicans). But, in Texas I didn't really enjoy Mexican food that much (it's okay, I mean I like those Tacos that my step mother makes). Here in Nagoya, I go to eat Mexican food sometimes because it reminds me of Texas a little (even though the Mexican food here is not near as good as Texas-Strange, I know). Not that I just miss Texas. I like it here in Nagoya a lot. But it was a fast transition. I was not aware of some of the thinks I would miss. By the way, the Tacos here are gross. The spices are wrong and they don't have hard shell tacos (nor can you by tortillas anywhere that I know of). Anyways, about the Mexican restaurant that I went to...It was pretty good for Mexican food. The tortilla chips where a bit off, they didn't have sopapias (or however that is spelled). [Side note, an interesting fact. Sopapias are not really Mexan food(I don't think atleast) since they were created in New Mexico back in the day when it was controled my Mexico. Food like that in Texas is called Tex-Mex, so I think I will call it New-Mex food. Just so you know.] I went there with my friend from Equador, who ofcourse can speak Spanish, so I didn't understand what he and the waitress and cook were talking about (doesn't matter). So, I am trying to study Japanese but my plans for studying this Saturday were foiled by the very class that I am trying to study for. They did a manditory Home Visit program, and the home was far away, so it turned into an all day thing. So, I was reduced to studying on Sunday only. O-well. I also found REAL mustard. Which is great because now I can make sandwiches again (that are good). I think everything is going pretty well. I am still working on adjusting to life a little. I sure things will be great once I can speak and read fluently. Some of my Japanese friends are helping me (and I am also teaching them English at the same time-their English is better than my Japanese). Well, sorry there were no real adventures this time, but I will make a trip to visit my favor Japan Times columnist soon (or atleast I intend to) if I am not going back to Texas over the summer break.
Now I will leave you with the quote of the Month. The quote of the month is by the Great Dr. A.E.
"He who joyfully marches to music rank and file, has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action. It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."

The quote of the day is another one of my personal favorite also by the Great Dr. A.E.
" Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts."

Well, that's all.
Later Ya'll (that's Texan)
Adios (that's also Texan)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big Ben's gotta...
(Sorry, just had to say dat... :-P )

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S.: By Mizu-chan, forgot'a say!

9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you think you miss Texas do ya? We are the greatest state in the union, so it is very understandable why one would miss it here. You know, they say (and this quote aught to be known even as far away as Japan) that, if you don't like the weather, stay around for a couple of minutes, it will change! Boy Howdy, aint that the truth?! Heck, it's so hot here right now added to the fact that we have not had any rain that ..... the other day i went fishing, and the fire-ants were all i had left on my hook when i pulled it up.(you can explain fireants to them.) Family reunion was this weekend, tell you more about that later.[insert your own Redneck joke here] I must depart from our cross-country intel mode of communication.I would, however, like to leave you with a thought,.........Give a man a fish, feed him for a day,..Teach a man to fish, and he will probably steal your favorite fishing hole.............IT'S A BOY!!!!!!! I'm happier than a hot hog in a cool puddle of mud!!

12:19 AM  

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