Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Quick Update

This is going to be rather short. On Saturday I will be going to the Ninja House after all (since someone I know cancelled and I decided to take his place). As long as I don't forget my camera, I think that the next article will be worth looking at. I will probably post it on Sunday (Texas Time). I found out that I have to start my experiments next week (that means no time, only experiments-> I wonder how far behind I will fall in Japanese class???). This saturday after ninja house, some friends and I are going to a Mexican resturant (so I can eat solphapias -> or however that is spelled). I'm bringing my friend from Equador at the very least (since he speaks spanish ofcourse) and probably some Brazillians and maybe a Japanese friend or two. I will take pictures of that as well I think. Next weekend I think that we will try the Outback or The Hardrock Cafe. Ofcourse either of those would warrent an article I think (because something interesting usually happens). Today I was teaching some friends in my lab about Dr. Pepper. I have been told that one can find it at Nagoya, but I don't know where yet. I told uncle Rick that I would try to get a friend of mine to take a picture of me sneaking up on a Ninja, so that should be interesting to see I think. For the rest of the day I will be here (as usual) in the lab working on various things (if I only had more time). -Okay, I'm just back from a short break of talking with a friend and I found where to get Dr. Pepper in Nagoya. It's at a place by the harbor at a shop that is suppose to sell things from around the world. I think I will go there soon (good to know). Well, that's all for today.
Quote of the day is by the Great Dr. A.E. ofcourse:

"Space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind union of the two will preserve an independent reality."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So all this talk about Texas,...are your friends impressed? Well, they aught to be. You know, for some reason this is the only way i can communicate with you. I have tried several times via E-Mail.Always to no avail.I'm open to suggestions. I wrote you an e-mail the other day concerning my disapointment in the paragraph you had written in your previous blog note (if you will).You had said "please excuse my spelling, i'm from Texas".........WELL BLOW ME DOWN!!! I would like to go on record as to say that weez peepel hear in Texas not only kno how to spel, butt weez no howta tipe.Not alla us gradgeated,sum of us quitcheeated.Heck, sum peeple eeven kum to me for ad-vise.Jez da udder day joe-bob jr.,bubba-jr., and junior-jr.came to me wif a problum dat wudda stumpped eny ordnayry man.Ya see, jr. wuz tryn ta figer out how tall da telyfone pole wuz. I jest happned by wen i seedum wida tape mezerer mezerin da udder pole dat wuz layin on da grown.I says boys how dum canya be?Ya gotta stand it up ta figer out how tall it iz. Boy, iz thay luky ta hav me around.? So ya cee boys,...not everone in Texas is illidderit. For real though, i guess you didn't get my last message,so i will fill you in.I am gonna be a daddy again.God not only blessed me with a wonderful wife,now he is blessing me with a child.I must be the luckiest man in the world. Still waiting on that picture of you doing something like......Flying your underwear from the school's main flagpole.And don't try to B.S. it and get someone else to do it.I'm talkin frame by frame photos. Well good luck with that.Remember, don't get arrested. And with that,i leave you.With another Rickism of course. (this ties in with the last sentance.) REMEMBER,...NOTHING IS AGAINST THE LAW IF YOU DON'T GET CAUGHT!!!! Well dip me in axle grease and call me slick, i'm gone

10:15 PM  

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