Sunday, July 16, 2006

Hamburgers, Lab experiments and my first earthquake

Well, I am back again (using the keyboard that does not work correctly, so there will be some errors). So, first let me say that I found out that hamburgers were invented in Texas by some guy named Uncle Fletcher Davis. Now, since hamburgers are world famous I can tell everyone that they come from Texas (that makes me happy). My friends at the Kaikan and I are having a good time with this little bit of knowledge. I hung a sign on everybodys doors to let them know. My week has been busy again. There is to much to do and not enough time to do it. I want to speak Japanese as much as possible, but I do not have the time to study the language the way I want. I started my experiments a couple weeks ago, which takes up all my time when I am not in class, so I do not have time to study. I guess I will have to try harder. I started looking for apartments near the Univeristy. I was told that apartments in Ueda are not very expensive and it is a quiet place. I think I will look at apartments there before I make any decisions. This Monday in Japan is a Holiday called Sea Day. I think is for people to appreciate the sea. I intend to play baseball with the members of my basketball circle and after playing baseball we are going to play basketball (assuming that it does not rain). Other things that I have done... Well, I played catch with one of my friends from Kaikan and there are pictures, but I am not going to post them because I think they look funny. One of them makes me look like a seventy year old man with no teeth.
Also, I experience my first earthquake today. It was very small. I did not even know that it was an earthquake until my friend told me. Almost immediately after it happend, there was something on the news about it.
At the beginning of next month there is an annual lab trip that will last 2 days. I think this will probably be fun. Of course when I go I will take pictures for my blog and introduce the people in my lab that way. All in all, I think that things in Japan are going good. There is nothing that interesting to talk about this week. It is finals at the University so I cannot hang out with my Japanese friends (non of us have any time). I will not be coming back to Texas over the summer after all. If I have the money, I will go back to Texas for about a week or so during Christmas (if there is time). Tomorrow I intend to stop by the post office (if they are open on the holiday) and send these packages to people I know in American (the packages that I ment to send more than a month ago). Sorry, not much to talk about this week. But, over the summer I plan on going to Shiraishi Island and also to Hiroshima (and if I can to Hokaido). Those trips will be interesting to talk about. I need to go and study some more.

Also, I have found out that my Uncles Ricks baby is going to be a boy. So, congrats Uncle Rick. I will see you this Christmas if I can.

The quote of the day is actully a Rickdom: "Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and he will steal your best fishing hole."

See you around.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude !!!, I did'nt know hamburgers were invented here in Texas. Talk about your useless trivia information. If i'm not mistaken, we are also credited with discovering the 'Other White Meat' .....oppossum. Here is a real tidbit of info; Texas is the ONLY state in the union that can legally/rightfully fly their state flag at the same hieghth as the U.S.( oops...American) flag. That's right boys, read 'em and weap. Ya'll have heard of the Republic of Texas have'nt you? There are all sorts of incredible facts about our state, just lookem up. Study hard. Sounds like you're stretching youreself thin. All this time you have spent reading this, you could have/should have been resting. Don't spread yourself too thin; nobody wants a skimpy sandwich. Take care, talk/type to ya soon, God bless.

Some say,"if it aint broke, don't fix it. I SAY " if it aint broke, bring it to my house. RWS

6:26 PM  

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