Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Lab Trip

Now I have returned from the lab trip. I had a good time. I got to know a lot of the people in my lab that I didn't know that well before. It took about 4 hours to drive there, but with the company it wasn't that bad. I wish that I could speak Japanese better, it would have made the trip better I think. Anyways, on the way we stopped at a resturant to eat sashimi for lunch (sashimi is diced raw fish). I think it was pretty good and everything was Japanese style. All the rooms for the resturants were Japanese style and of course the hotel was to. The Japanese hotel provided dinner and breakfast for the next morning. When we arrived at the hotel we went to the beach. I don't like getting in the ocean but I decided to swim anyways. I knew that they would have a bath-tub at the hotel (at a Japanese style hotel it is essential) and they said they have showers (I should also explain that at a Japanese style hotel, all the guests use the same showers and bath-tubs) but what they ment by showers was a waterhose with a spray nozzle at the end. AND the water was freezing cold in the "shower." Also, Japanese people like to bath together in bath-tubs, but for me this is very difficult because I am shy. I knew this was the case before I got to Japan. Actually, the next morning (2nd and last day of the trip) I found out that they did have actual showers next to the bath-tub (but when I asked I was told that the waterhose was the shower). On the first night we did fireworks (I posted pictures of some of them). Later that night there was a big drinking party. Normally I don't drink, but my friends were very persuasive (and I don't think I will ever drink again). It was fun until I got sick. The next day I felt awful. We went to a place called the Rainbow Line (I posted pictures as well). I want to explain about the locks and the little disk thinks with the picture of a deamon on it. The locks are for people who are in love. They write their names on locks and then lock them to the fence and as long as the lock is locked they will stay in love. The disks with the deamon (Tengu-specific type of deamon with a long nose, that travels in the storm) are suppose to make your wishes come true (I wished to be fluent in Japanese). You write your wish on the disk and throw it over the edge of the mountain (I threw mine the furthest). That is all there is to it. The scenery was very nice. It would have been better if I wasn't feeling bad (I drank 4 or 5 cans, my limit is 2). Because I have other stuff to do that is all for now. I hope you enjoy the pictures. (the people in the pictures are all from my lab. The elder person is the professor of the lab). Here is the quote of the day by Sir Arthur Eddington:
"We are a bit of stellar matter gone wrong. We are physical machinery - puppets that strut and talk and laugh and die as the hand of time pulls the strings beneath. But there is one elementary inescapable answer. We are that which asks the question."

That's all. I don't know when my next article will be. Give me 2 weeks time and I think I will have something. I'm planning on going to Shiraishi jima soon. That will warant an article. Well, to all those that read this, I'll see you around.
Aidos mi amigos


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