Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Started the new semester

Well, I finally got everything taken care of (almost) and have started school. I got an apartment, a car, etc...Everything that I need to live on my own (again). Unfortunately my apartment is not very nice. Chained to the stairs that I use to go to my second floor apartment, there is an old lady walker (it's a device that old people use to lean on when they get older and have a difficult time walking on their own). My only question is, why is it chained to the stairs? I can understand chaining a bicycle to the stairs or something like that, but a walker? If a kid steals a bicycle it may be difficult to tell if it is a stolen bicycles. It's very common to see a kid on a doesn't attract suspicion. However, if I were to see a you man or woman with a old lady walker I don't think it would be that difficult to figure out that it had been stolen...what would they use it for anyways? The couldn't sell it on the street. I don't know of any walker chop shops. And if a theif that actually needed a walker stole it, they couldn't be that hard to catch (they can't run from you, they need a walker)! Maybe I'm looking at it in the wrong way. It could be a type of art. I've heard of a guy that made himself live in an exhibit at a museum for a week with wolves and claimed that it was a form of art and expressing himself. Maybe this walker chained to the stairs is trying to symbolize (an expression of art)....there is heavy sarcasim (not hiniku...that has a bad meaning, we use it differently in the US) in that statement.
Anyways, classes have started. Everyone at the university is nice, but I have to start teaching a class pretty soon as part of my teaching assistantship. It turns out that I have to teach an astronomy class (which is a hobby of mine). I guess I will have to wait and see how it goes. I don't have a good camera at the moment, so I can't take any pictures to put on my blog (they took the USIM card out of my camera phone at the airport and the camera won't work without it). Denton (the town that my university is in) is not really a nice town, but it's okay. When I came here for the first time looking for apartments I saw about a dozen Mexicans standing on the street corner waiting for people to come by and offer them jobs. I've seen that in the movies before, but that was the first time that I saw it in real life.
It was warm here the past few weeks. People were wearing short sleeve shirts and shorts, but today it is cold and it is about to get colder (no more warm weather). That's too bad. My football team lost it's first game in the playoffs, so I'm not really happy. Also, the NFL said that one of the officials made a really bad call (even though the team was argueing it at the time the call was made) and formally apologized to my team for possibly costing them the came (and it was a very crucial call). But that doesn't make me feel any better. I will feel better if the Green Bay Packers win the superbowl (because Bret Farve is one of my favorite players and I hate the New England Patriots).
I haven't really been doing anything recently. I have been busy getting everything ready for school and finding an apartment and car. Now that school has started I don't know when I will be able to do I don't have any money at the moment to spend on anything other than rent, insurance, car payment and food (making an unhappy face). But, at least I'm home.
Well, I'll try to get a camera and post a picture for the next story (and I will try to make it entertaining). See you around. Later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ben, I'm glad to hear that you get along well. I was looking for an apartment recently, too. It cost around 50,000yen to move (include a kind of assurance, it could be over 15,0000yen or 20,0000yen) in Japan. How about in U.S.? I guess cars are cheaper than Japan, aren't they? I mean that people in the U.S. can't go anywhere without cars, so they shold be low-priced.
Anyweys, I'm looking foward to read your articles about your classes! Talk to you later.

8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it maybe a kind of art work. Sometimes I see like these downtown. I have seen a chair before in a park, of the height of a person, one cannot sit down on. Originally perhaps foot of the chair were buried underground to normal hight and then dug up for some strange reason.
Your diary is very fun, I check it some time...

9:19 AM  

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