Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I returned to Japan

So, I returned to Japan. I can't say that I enjoyed to long flight. I saw them unload on of my bags from the plane to the luggage car when I was in Detroit and I must say I have never seen a peice of luggage do a tripple back flip and land in the up-right position. I know that they are not trying to becareful with peoples bags, but I did not know that they were actually trying to break stuff. Even my bag is a little damaged (there is a hole through the material all the way to the inside of the bag). By some small chance, nothing actually broke. Lucky me. So the first day that I returned some friends met me at the airport and helped me carry my luggage (which was good, because I could not do it myself). I just stayed at their house that night. The next day we had Sloppy Joes (which is a type of sandwich if you did not know) that I brought from Texas. They did not taste EXACTLY the same, but it was very similar. Everyone said that they like them. Now, school has started again and I am in the lab all day. Being in Texas and seeing everyone was fun while it lasted. I'll probably return to Texas for my Doctorial studies in the future (after I have completed my masters in Japan). I brought a book back for my friends that teaches them how to speak Texan, so maybe they will be able to understand me when I feel like speaking Texan. Anyways, I posted some pictures of Texas, hope ya'll like them. Of course it is winter in Texas so things are not really green (so some of them were pictures that were taken in Texas about a year or so ago). That's all for now. Yope ya'lls new year goes well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to Japan again! Ben.
I've never been to America, but I can imagine how hard the long flight is.
My acquaintance En of my English conversation school is going to Detroit on February 1st. She will stay there with her husband and child for 5 years.
I guess she is anxious, but also she seems to look forward to going there.
There're many acquaintance who stay in other countries these days.
When I was a child, foreigner who lived in Japan and student overseas were not so many.
But now, many people goes to other countries. Also people who come to Japan is increasing.
How about America?

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WELL DIP ME IN AXLE GREASE AND CALL ME SLICK!!!My horses done made the big time! Glad you got back okay. Sorry we didn't get to spend more time together, little varmint is too young to go out and do much.We'll make up for it next time. Maybe we can go fishin'.I have a new technique that is so simple,you don't even need poles;Just a good lighter. Oh, and by the way, we have to go at night,...less people.And bring some earplugs. I'm gettin better at this computer thing (can't beat em',join em'..Who would have thought it would last this long ) i might even have to take pictures this spring and send them to you so they can see how pretty it is when things are green in Texas. Hey, here's a song you can teach everyone over there: "The stars at night,are big and bright, (clap,clap,clap,clap) deep,in the heart of Texas." That's always a crowd pleaser.You will have to tell us how everyone liked their gifts.Did you show em' the Rattlesnake eggs? Thats a gooden. OH OH, baby is waking up.......................................................I'm back,but i gotta go change a diaper, Looks like it might be a "CODE BROWN"

Remember that life is like that piece of luggage you were talking about: You are gonna get tossed around, pushed, shoved, kicked, dragged, pulled, and occasionally even made to do a tripple backflip, which you may, or may not land on your feet. Just remember that tere will always be a helping hand there to pick you up, dust you off, fix you up, and set you back on your way.

NOTHING is more important than FAMILY and FRIENDS.

By the way, if you are like that luggage with the hole through it, dude you're srewed! Peace and tacos to everyone.

10:23 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

Hi Uncle Rick,
I don't know if you ever check the comments again, so I don't know if you will get to read this. Anyways, next time I come over we can surely go fishing (if the lake hasn't dried up). Were you talking about fishing with TNT??? Sounds good! Makes things easier. And I would teach my friends the song "Deep in The Heart of Texas," but I'm not sure I could convince them to listen. It seems that people who are not Texans cannot understand. Everyone liked the gifts I got them (or so I think). Most of my friends like the Reeses candies that I brought (I wish I had more). And of course they won't complain about the cowboy stuff I brought back. We even had Texas chili and Texas style cornbread the other day. And on the 15th my friends and I are going to have another Taco party (of course i will post pictures and do an article). Well, anyways, I've go to go for now. Take care. Later.

10:45 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

I forgot to tell you about the Rattle Snake eggs. First, I gave a friend a post card with a recipe for grilled rattle snake (a real recipe). The post card even had the same picture on the from as the package with the rattle snake eggs(but in color). Then I gave the friend of whom read the recipe the rattle snake egg package and told him not to press to hard because he might break the eggs. Then he read the warning that said "store in a cool dry place to prevent hatching." Telling him it should be okay to open it even though I had them on my dresser at my place in Texas (he then asked me about the weather in Texas. I said, "it is always hot in Texas, but I have had those types of rattle snake eggs before and they have never hatched. I think they just have to put it on the package just in case."), he opend the package while everyone watched. I think that everyone but me was a little startled (and surprised) he they opened the package. They all did that little flinch thing (they quick movement backwards a little). So, the rattle snake egg trick worked like a charm. You just have to know how to build it up first! Then it gets everyone. It doesn't make much since though, baby rattle snakes don't have rattles. Just so you know, they like the rattle snake eggs. See you around. Later.

11:06 PM  

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