Monday, January 28, 2008

My new car, computer and classes

Well, I guess I already told you I got a new car. This time I posted pictures of it.

Also, today I went to Best Buy (it's an electronics store) and bought a new laptop. They didn't actually have the one I wanted. This is the third time I went there and they were still sold out. Normally I wouldn't be able to afford a laptop yet (without saving up my money), but I'm paying it of monthly ($15/month). That means that my computer payment is less than my internet payment. But, my computer has wireless and satellite connections (I'm using wireless) and the AMD turion 64 core duo processor (so it runs pretty fast)...I wish the signal was a little stronger though (I only get 3 out of 5 bars). I almost got a gateway with practically the exact same things (memory, satellite and wireless uplinks, same processor, etc..., but it was $200 more).
Yesterday I had to teach an Astronomy class from 11am to 9pm (actually I finished at 8:15pm, but it is suppose to end at 9pm). That was kind of dull. I don't really feel confident that people are listening to me after I tell them what they need to remember for the easy quiz at the end of class, and despite the fact I basically told them the answers they still miss many of the easy questions.
Anyways, I'm thinking of taking a trip to the Alamo during Spring break in March (it is usually pretty nice weather at that time of year in Texas). It would be the first time I've ever been there despite the fact that I live in Texas. If I do go, of course I will take pictures. You know what the Alamo is don't you? I think it is special to everyone from Texas.
I will find out if I was accepted to the University of Texas in March. Even if I am accepted, I'm not sure that I will leave the University of North Texas. Despite the fact that the community surrounding the university is not very nice, the university itself and the people at the university are. I guess I will make that decision later if I have to.
Since school started, I will practically be doing the same thing every day for a while. So...not much to report.
Talk to y'all later.


Blogger Celso Satoshi Sakuraba said...

Dude, cool car!!!


Good luck on ur classes! Yeah, I don't hav classes rnd here, but I hav to publish!

And I rarely use Y!M, I'm using more GTalk, MSN and Skype...

I think Marni uses Y!M though! Seems to B common among the Philiphinos.

10:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ben, It sounds cool that you teach Astronomy. But it also sounds hard that the class was from 11am to 9pm(8:15pm). I suppose the curriculum is probablly excessive for some students. I hope you enjoy your classes and have a good trip to the Alamo. (Actually, I don't know what it's like. If you go there, please tell me about the detail.)
Talk to you later.

4:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ben, It's Paul, nice to see your blog. Cool car!! (not really, but it's good to know you have one) I was expecting to see you in a 4x4 Douge Ram.
I see they ran out of macs at Best Buy, the one you were looking for, right? :) Anyway, I think you got a pretty good one.
I hope you are having a good time back in Texas. And look up General Santa Anna when you go to The Alamo.
Good to hear about you, see you soon

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ben,it' my first time to write my comment for your blog.Do you live in the house that is seen on the back of your car??
I think you are busy with your study.When you are tired from studying,please see my blog.Seijiro must relax you!!
Take care.

7:08 AM  

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