Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Updates (Scholarship, Part-time Job, Spring Break)

Well, it's Spring Break here. The other day was St. Patric's day. I didn't really do anything. Usually there is a parade and people drink green beer, but I didn't really fell like doing anything by myself, so I stayed home.
Before Spring Break, professors throw a bunch of test and my classes were no exception. Normally, I would have made A's on every test, but since I have a part-time job (tutoring students at Sylvan's Learning Center in Math) I didn't get to study as much as I should have. I don't think it would have made much of a difference in my quantum physics class since NONE of the stuff we were told to study was actually on the test. I was expecting a challenging test, but I was also expecting a test that was over the topic we covered! The test was over stuff that we covered in pervious classes in quantum mechanics and I wish I would have known that's what was going to be tested because I would have easily have been able to prepare for such a test. Instead, I think I bombed it and lost my A in the class (at least temporarily).
Speaking of part-time job, I wrote last time that I applied for a part-time tutoring job...well, I got it. Good right? Well, they say that "there is a good side to bad and a down side to up." I guess my situation is more like the "down side of up." I get more money, but I loose time that I really need to study.
I was going to go to the Alamo (in San Antonio) and take pictures and post them on my blog, but I doubt I will be able to go because of work. Soooo, I'm still going to try and go (there is a possibility that my work day on Saturday will be canceled due to lack of students, but I doubt it), but it does not look like I can. I wanted to do an article over it. The Alamo is not really the place were Texas began (Texas was created after the battle of San Jacinto), but it is a really important event in Texas (and U.S.) history and a symbol of Texas.
The other day I took my little sister to see a movie, but my baby sister was sick, so she couldn't go. Other than that, I haven't really taken advantage of my Spring Break time.
Now, about the scholarship...I still don't know anything for sure. I had to have recommendations submitted from previous professors the other day. I will know for sure if I'm coming back to Japan by the first week of April.
I was trying to figure out what I would do if I were able to come back to Japan. First, I have to burn down that place that gave me food poisoning! Next, I will have to stop by and visit my friends in Nagoya and give them all omiage from Texas. Then, my friends and I will all have to go out and do something dance on the ashes of the place that I burnt down for giving me food poisoning! Then we can hunt down the cooks who gave me food poisoning and give them food poisoning (I like that idea).
I know this wasn't really that interesting. I'll put something interesting up in a week or two (with pictures). Other than that, I hope to see ya'll in Japan in a couple months. Adios.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend, I hope to see you soon here in the Japan.
I wish you good luck with the scholarship application.

10:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check this out

11:38 PM  
Blogger Celso Satoshi Sakuraba said...


Dat's what U R planning to do back here in JPN?!? U hav to learn how to LET IT GO!!! Huahahaha

Is ur baby sis' better?

Too bad U lost the chance of going to The Alamo, but there's always gonna B other vacations, rgt?!?

I think we R almost settled abt the aptms. We'll only know abt damages on the 31st, but seems like Marni's professor offered to make the negiciaton with the gay... Let's hope it'll bring us some of our deposit money back, since his professor himself got half of it back in his case.

I posted a photo with other guys from kaikan! My nxt post's gonna B abt the ski trip I went with FauXto and other guys!

BYW, he's writing a blog to!

C ya!

11:42 PM  

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