Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Thanksgiving is Over and Christmas is Beginning...And Finals.

Not really a whole lot to talk about...Thanksgiving is you probably guessed from the title. I didn't do much. I went to my mother's home on Thanksgiving day and saw my little sisters and elder sister...that was pretty fun for the most part. I accidently broke my little sisters light by throwing stuff in her room for fun...but no big deal. On Saturday I went to my Father's house for a late Thanksgiving, but because I had a class until 12:30 I didn't actually make it to my father's house until after they finished eating. So I actually missed almost everything. But no big deal. It seemed rather hectic anyways. So, nothing really to report.
We started decorating for Christmas at my house. My cool roommate put Christmas lights up outside and inside the house. Yesterday we went and got a tree and decorated it for Christmas (now the inside smells like Christmas tree). We didn't have a star to put on top of the tree so instead I put a Troy Aikmen figure on top (pictures below) favorite X-Dallas Cowboy's quarterback. He's kind of a star.

My douchebag roommate apologized for his behavior and accusing me of using his bathroom. In fact he apologized for his overall behavior. I don't really think much about it. He says a lot of things and doesn't really mean them. I think he has talks with the priests and then when they tell him stuff about how he should have acted or something like that he changes his behavior for a short I don't really listen to what he says.
Well, not much going on here at the moment. Finals are coming up next week. I only have one class that I actually need to study for. My other grades are pretty much already determined. I guess I will let everyone know how it turns out. Anyways, I have to go to work in a little while. I will probably have a lot more to write about around Christmas. I will probably take a 6 day trip to Michigan and go ski or something like that in December/early January.
Anyways, adios until then.


Blogger Celso Satoshi Sakuraba said...

Yo Texas Ranger!!! Uahahahaha

Hope U R having a nice Christmas! (U really put a figure on the top of ur tree?!? lol)

I'm going back to Sao Paulo, spent some days in the countryside with my relatives.

Check this out: It's an article by Tiemi, it's in Portuguese but U'll recognize a word under the second picture from the bottom... Do U really have this kinda grass in Texas?!?

So I guess U R not going to Japan in the end... Well, hope U have a nice new year, and that douche bag doesn't bother U much!


4:07 AM  
Blogger Celso Satoshi Sakuraba said...

BTW, R U going to Michigan? Send Winnie a message, maybe U guys can meet there! ;-)

4:08 AM  

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