Friday, September 26, 2008

Biking around Denton

I decided to get a bike to go to school on everyday. The only problem is, it is about a 2.5 mile drive (which take about 15 to 20 minutes). I guess I didn't realize how much endurance it took to make it in that amount of time. But, since I will be doing it everyday, I guess I will get use to it rather fast. Anyways, my bike only cost about $75 (for the bike and repairs). In Japan it would have cost at least $250. That's why I didn't buy a bike in Japan (plus they are rather crappy).
Other than the fact I am biking to places now, nothing else is going on. Oh yeah, I found a Japanese conversation partner. I think she is going to be in the USA for at least one more year (actually, although I haven't met her yet, I think she is planning on just staying here). So, I will start Japanese language practice again (when I can find the time). It's good for will help to keep me from forgeting something that took so long to learn. Anyways, I encluded pictures of my road bike. I hope everything is going great for y'all.
Adios for now.


Blogger Celso Satoshi Sakuraba said...

So U finally got urself a bike, huh?!? I remember U saying U'd never get one here in Japan... lol

Man, can't U even cycle for 20 min.?!? C'mon show some endurance!!! Huahahaha, that's kinda the amount I used to bike to school from my old place, now it's even farther (and I'm using the subway... =-p). And ur bike seem way better than mine!!! (Which is already better than most of the ones around here...)

Hope U're finding time to practice Japanese. Maybe one day U'll understand my anime lines... lol

1:54 AM  

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