Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Finals are OVER...the results....I'm Moving into My New House

Finals are OVER. How can I describe what finals are like to you? lWell, I would have to say that it is like Hell, just without the laughter. It turns out that I did better than I thought. I made an A in two of my three classes. But, the one that I put the most effort into and wanted an A in I received a B (but after the final exam, I was happy to receive even that grade). By the way, the grades are done differently here than in Japan (you shouldn't compare the two).

The class I really wanted to make an A in (and gave the most time and effort to was quantum physics II. It's a difficult class and the professor is known for being difficult (among other things). Unfortunately, the professor that taught the quantum class is retiring, which means that I won't be able to take him for quantum III, which bothers me because that means I won't ever receive an A from that professor! An interesting thing about that professor is that he also taught my academic advisor when he was at this university (i.e. he was my professor's professor as well).
Other things that are going on....I'm moving into my new house. It's pretty nice. I posted some pictures of the inside of the house and the front and back yards below.

In one of the pictures you will see a cross above the fire place on a cardboard sheet. That belongs to one of my roommates. I have to share the place with 2 other people. I have never had a roommate before...I hope it's not that bad.
My elder sisters Birthday is today. I tried to call her, but she may be a work...which would mean that her phone is turned off. My younger sister's birthday is on the 19th of this month. I got her a gift card to Barnes and Noble book store (because she loves books). She turns 16 years old, so she is about to start driving (this is a warning to all drivers on the road...look out!).
My parents are going on vacation to the Virgin Islands this weekend, so I have to go to their home and take care of their dogs. Maybe I will get to go to the Alamo before I leave for Japan, but since I'm going to be babysitting little dogs, I kind of doubt it right now.
At the moment I am out shopping for Omiyage for all of my friends. I don't think I will have room in my suitcases for all that stuff.
Well, I have to go because I have to get ready for work (I need to leave in about 25 minutes). Luckily, I'm not going to loose my job even though I will be gone all summer long (they are going to give it back to me when I return).
I'm still preparing for the trip to Japan on the 24th of May. I hate long flights. O'well. I guess I will see everyone at the end of May or beginning of June.
So, I guess I'll see ya'll around.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Ben, How are you? I got an Business American visa due to a set of conferences that I need to present. I am very glad for your help. They didn't ask anything about you, although I wrote your address. I may stay in Brazil for 2 months instead of 1. It will allow me to visit you if you have time for an Brazilian friend. We (Vik and I) went to China last week only to attend an international conference, but it was so crap that I almost give up to come back to Japan. We sow the Towers and I tried to send you a postcard from there. At that time, I didn't have your address. We are so luck, The day that we decided to go shopping, a typhoon level 4 cross shanghai. It was beautiful, you should be there with us. Talk to you later, I need to write a report to friday, finished to format a article and go to the University.
See y'all soon

11:34 PM  

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