Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I went to Shiraishi and back to Nagoya

A lot can happen in two weeks. Before I ever came to Japan (for the first time), I wanted to go to this island in the inland sea known as Shiraishi. On this island lives and author from the Japan times (humor articles of her adventures in Japan). I even bought her guide book to Japan a long time ago and had her sign it (she signed the first 50 copies that people ordered from her). Unfortunately I lent that book to someone who said they wanted to go to Japan, and then I never got it back...
So, let's get started. On Shiraishi there is practically nothing. A few stores and a bar. More specifically, the "Moooo! Bar," which happens to be owned by the author I was telling you about. I convenced a few people to go with me (Karol-Poland/USA, Rob-Chicago/Arizona, and Paul-Ecuador). We stayed on Amy's (the author) yatch since all the hotels were booked. I'm not giving a long detailed story this time. I'll try and explain as I post the pictures:

(Karol, Rob and I set off for Shiraishi at around 4:30 in the morning from Matuse)

(We arrived at Kasaoka station by train, where we had to walk a little ways to the Ferry...or Felly if you read the Japanese sign in English.)

(We stopped at the Cafe for some breakfast. The picture is of the peach bread with peach cream inside. In the cafe some Japanese guy wouldn't stop talking to me...and he had a very difficult accent. I found it hard to understand him.)

We finally found our way to the FELLY after using the directions I got off of Amy's web-site. Oddly enough, there are 2 FELLYs and we ended up at the one we were not trying to go to (but it went directly to Shiraishi).

Me in anticipation of getting there (it's like finishing the circle of something you said you would do a long time ago, but never go around to doing).

Random scenery from the FELLY

This is the only road on the island, and it goes all the way around, so I knew it would lead to the Moooo! Bar. And I had no fear of getting lost.

And finally, we reached the Moooo! Bar...the circle was complete. Only problem was, it still want open because it was 10am.

So, we decided to go exploring:

Finally, we made it back to the Moooo! Bar...and it was open. (I had a Ben's Double Moooogarita)...You can see Paul in the picture with his Chuck Norris shirt on. He joined us there later on that day.

And, now some picutures the floating hotel:

To tell you the truth, I have done way too much in these past couple weeks to actually write it all here. So, let me just end with a few random pictures:

Well, now I'm REALLY busy. I don't like the way they do things here. They should have told me certain things so I had more time to prepare...but that just wouldn't be the Japanese way. I think I will be back by the very end of July (to Texas). I'm trying to reschedule my ticket now. They don't make it easy.
Well, adios for now.


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