Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Taco Party, The Hard Rock Cafe and Searching for My Little Sisters Birthday Gift

The quality of the pictures are not that good this time. I took them with my phone, which is 5 Mega Pix., but in order to post them I had to send them by E-mail, so I lost some quality in the pictures. Where to begin??? Last Wednesday, three other friends and my self went to the Hard Rock Cafe to celebrate their passing of the entrance exams. I had a hard time convincing them that Fajitas are not Mexican food, but rather Tex-Mex food (which, like me, comes from Texas). It was pretty fun and the taste of the food was the same as in the U.S.

The Friday after that we had a taco party (which do, of course, come from Mexico). I was happy that every seemed to like the taste. We used the Taco Bell tacos that I brought with me from Texas. Also, we used the Texas-Texas salsa which I brought back with me (one of my friends really like the taste, but you could tell that it may have been just a bit to hot for her). I think a total of 9 people came, not including myself. We played Uno after we finished eating (that was pretty fun). Unfortunately, I don't have to many pictures of it.

Then, on Saturday, a friend and I went to a big temple in Osu Kannon,where there are a lot of small stores, to look for my little sisters birthday present. I got her a Yukata and another friend helped me make a picture slide show on a DVD-R to send to her as well. I think she will be pretty happy with it (I won't know for a little while, because it will take about a week to reach her and I sent it on Monday).

At the moment I'm in the lab doing experiments. Next month on the 15th and 16th I will be in Tokyo for a confrence. I'm not really sure if the presentations are in English or Japanese (if it is an international conference, the presentations will be in English). I guess that is what my next article will be over. Also, sometime over spring break, I plan on going to re-visit my host family in Tsu and perhaps even take a trip to Kyoto or Sapporo. Those should be interesting.

I decided to apply for entrance into the University of Texas for August of 2008. So, I think that I will be in Japan for about another year and a half. At the beginning of April, I will have been in Japan for a year now. I don't think it matters how long I stay here, I will always be a little home sick. Also, while I'm in this part of the world, I'm going to try to travel to other contries that are close to Japan when I can. I think I will try to visit Korea before I leave here for good.

Anyways, I know this sorter than usual, but I'm a little busy at the moment. So, I guess I will see ya'll around.

Quote of the Month
"I ask you to look both ways. For the road to a knowledge of the stars leads through the atom; and important knowledge of the atom has been reached through the stars."
-Sir Arthur Eddington


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taco is tacos's singular...I see.
At first, I thought taco was octobus as you wrote below.
All kinds of "Having something" parties are pretty fun.
I wish I had been there.

You bought a kimono for your sister? You're a good brother, isn't it? I have two brothers, but they don't give me any presents for me. Your sister should be happy when she gets your present.

4:33 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

Hello Miho, it's nice to see you again. I understand all of your English, but let me correct a few of your sentences:
When you wrote, "You're a good brother, isn't it?" I think that you should write "You're a good brother, arn't you?" And when you wrote, "I have two brothers, but they don't give me any presents for me," it would be better to write either: "I have two brothers, but they don't give me any presents," or "I have two brothers, but they don't get any presents for me." I think that sentence you wrote was very close to being 100% correct though. Also, you mis-spelled octopus, but I also make mistakes like that all the time (just by accident, even though I am a native English speaker).
Anyways, thanks for the comment. I don't really think that I'm that good of a brother though. I hope my sister is happy with the gift, but I don't think she will be able to wear it in Texas (except, maybe, on Halloween). アメリカ人には着物はかっこいいのことの気持ちがあるのにもしアメリカ人はアメリカに着物を着たら人々はたぶんおかしいのことと思う僕と思う。 たぶんあの文はちょっと変だけど、美帆さんわかるね? Well, again thanks for the comment. Talk to you later.

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, i just had one of them brainfarts.(had an idea for those non-sarcastic people in the bunch.)Which by the way, i say :what is life if not lived, what is wisdom if not shared, what is knowlege if not applied, what is sarcasim if nobody gets it? OH YEAH, the idea: this Miho chick sounds pretty cool and interesting;not to mention, interested in you.:::::Miho, if you are reading this,(or anybody else) check it out.Me and my buddies always say "hey miho" when answering the phone with eachother. MEANING----miho is short for migo,which is short for amigo,which is Tex-Mex for friend!! So class, do you see the corlation/brainfart i'm a tryin to teach ya? Get out there and give Miho a hug,she's your friend for goodness sake! Oh, and Miho, this does not make you a Texan. Sorry. But hey, you can always transplant. I have babbled enough. I shall depart now. Oh,by the way Ben, Miho says she is always looking for ideas to paint?,give her American words she does not undestand and ask her to paint what she thinks they mean.Then, tell her what they mean and do the same.Please let me know what she thinks of it. Gotta go. Parting is such sweet sorrow.BUT for real, i will close with a quote:

I,m gonna share one that i tell my family all the time : "If i tell you that the chicken can pull the train, Hook it up!"

Texas Wisdom= Don't squat with yer spurs on.


10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ben, Thank you for teaching.
私はしょっちゅう「isn't it?」や「for someone」,つづり等の間違いをするので、とても助かりました。
And then, I understand all of your Japanese, but let me correct a few of your sentence as you did.

「アメリカ人には 着物は かっこいい のことの 気持ちがあるのに」
「アメリカ人には 着物は かっこいい という  気持ちがあるのに」→perfect!

「もしアメリカ人は アメリカに 着物を着たら 人々は たぶん おかしい  のことと僕と思う。」
「もしアメリカ人が アメリカで 着物を着たら 人々は たぶん おかしいと 思うと 僕は思う。」
「もし アメリカ人が アメリカで 着物を 着たら 変に 思われると 思う。」
「もし アメリカ人が アメリカで 着物を 着たら(人々に) 変に 思われると(僕は) 思う。」
In Japanese, You can miss the subject like 「僕(は)」 because it is clear that this is your oppinion in this sentence.
Of course you can use「僕」when you want to put emphasis on "I myself".

This is a kind of「受身形」the passive voice in this case.
[Public people'd think it's strange.] This is also clear that Public people's oppinion in this(受身形) case, so You don't have to use「人々に」.

It's very important to use 「は」「が」「に」「も」correctly to improve your Japanese.
Do you think it's difficult to use them properly?
Any way, I can understand all of your Japanese.
Talk to you later!

Hi Rick,migo! I can't understand all of your comment, but it's interesting to hear about the topic "Hey,Miho".
Guess what, some Chinese said my name was similar to "Hello" in Chinese. The word is "Ni-hao".→It sounds like "Mi-Haw".
It's also interesting, isn't it?

As for "to paint", regrettably, I can't understand what you mean. It seems too difficult for me.
What is the mean that I don't know? Did I make some mistake of it?
If you don't mind, please tell me.

11:31 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Hello Uncle Rick. I'm not sure if you ever recheck these comments, but I will leave one for you anyways. As always, I like to hear from you, so thanks for the comment. But, maybe it is very difficult for Miho to understand what you are saying (it could easily be misunderstood). They don't have an equivalent for the way you write in the Japanese language. I'm always curious to know how things are going over there with you and everyone. I hope everything is going well. I'm not really doing much right now. Basically I'm studing on my own (since classes here are a bit behind my level). Drop me a line sometime. Of course, when I return to Texas I plan on visiting. But, until then, I guess I'll see you around.

12:39 AM  

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