Thursday, February 08, 2007

Taco Party Next Week

If your reading this article Uncle Rick, I left a couple comments for you in the comment section of the last post, below your comments. Of course, everyone liked the gifts that I brought them and the rattle snake eggs worked like a charm (I explained it more in the comments).

Okay, I have not up-dated my blog for around a month, but I had good reason. I haven't really done much lately, plus I was very sick. For the first time in my life I got food poisoning from eating out. It was awful. I still haven't fully recovered. I can't walk that far or I feel like I have run a long ways. At least I have recovered enough to do my general things. Also, there is something else in Japan that causes my chest to hurt. I don't know if it is the water, food or the air, but what ever it is goes away when I return to Texas. My chest was hurting for about a month before I left for Texas, but when I got to Texas (the very next day) it vanished. However, when I returned to Japan it came back. I wonder what causes it. Anyways, my friends and I are having a Taco party (that is taco as in takosu, not octapus for those who are thinking about this in Japanese) next week on the 16th. Of course it won't just be Tacos. We will have Texas style white corn bread, chocolate cake, brownies, pudding, jello, and other things. I know, there were a lot of sweets in that list, but I just want people who have never tried them before to try them. I'm really trying to show my friends what Texas is like just a little, but it seems that it is impossible since everything here has to be compromised a little (it can never be exactly the same). Also, I found this GREAT online store where I can get a lot of great foods (American and British foods of course). I think that I will be able to have turkey sandwiches now after all (which makes me happy). My little sisters birthday is also next week, so the chocolate cake that we make will have 'Happy Birthday Stephanie' on it, even thought she won't be there. I'm going to make a picture slide show of the party and send it to her on a DVD. Although, I still don't know what kind of gift I can get her from Japan. So, next article will probably be posted (with pictures) on the 20th of this month. Right now, many of my friends are preparing for the entrance exam that they have to take on the 15th, so not much to do right now.


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