Monday, March 12, 2007

I went to Fuji Safari Park

I know i said that I would have this article out in a few days on my last article, but I'm a few days behind. Also, since I'm going to comment on the pictures I should say that I have no idea how the layout of the pictures and the words will be before I publish the article, so if you can't understand which picture I'm describing, sorry. I put the words by the pictures on the layout menu. The one that I think will appear first is me climbing a rock in my search of Mount Fuji. Later, I pointed out the direction that I decided that Mt. Fuji must be in. Of course, I may have been wrong.

We went to this place called Mt. Fuji Safari Park. They are really serious about you not getting out of your car. I remember when I went to Texas Safari that we were able to get out of our cars, but I don't remember there being any lions or tigers at Texas Safari(maybe bobcats). For the most part, I enjoyed the trip. It was a little cold outside and the wind didn't help any. I went with 7 other people (mostly friends). The animals are not able to roam around (despite the fact that the place is suppose to be a safari). They are kept in by fences and electric wires.

They did however have a petting zoo. My friend Celso is sitting down holding one of the rabbits from the petting zoo. The rabbits were hard to catch if you tried to get one, but if you just sat down on a bench, they would go under the bench and nibble on your shoes (that's how we caught them).
Also, they had something like a miniture ranch where they raced little ponies (and you could bet on it). My friend and I bet on different ponies and we both lost. I wish I could have seen that I picked the fattest one before I bet on it. They were all wearing small cowboy hats at the ranch place. Of course, I had to laugh about that a little (being from Texas and all).
I think that the trip was fun, but I don't think I want to go back.
At the end of this week I am going to Tokyo for a conference (it is all in Japanese, so I'm a little worried). I have to make my own hotel reservations and arrange my own trasportation (I'm going to go by bullet train there and back).
On Saturday, I get my shipment of American foods (so I'm happy about that). I get one the week after that as well. So, my friends and I are going to have a party with some of it.
Also, I just found out that one of my Brazillian friends is going back to Brazil on the 22nd of this month (for good). They won't be coming back to Japan. So, we are going to have a big party for her. I wish I would have known she was leaving earlier.
Actually, we had a party last night for one of my other Brazillian friends (it was his birthday). I baked a cake with the cake mix that I brought from the U.S. I also used the frosting that I brought back from the U.S. It turned out to be very good this time (unlike my other cake cooking failure). I guess that the icing wasn't to sweet for the Japanese people that came to the party after all (because they ate it and said that they liked it). In Japan, they don't have frosting. They put whip cream on top of cakes, so I was a little worried that the Japanese people who came wouldn't like it. The party turned out to be rather fun, but I had to leave at 11pm to catch the subways home. It probably got better later.
Anyways, my next article will probably be over my trip to Tokyo. I don't know when I will post it. It probably will be a very short article I think (depending on what I do).
That's all for now. So I guess I will see ya'll around.
(No quote today)


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