Monday, March 26, 2007

I went to Universal Studios, Japan

(There are actually a lot more photos that go with this article, but I will have to post them at a later date)

There were a lot of things I wanted to talk about today in my blog, but I forgot about half of them. First, my elder sister finally wrote to me. There is a picture of her with Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck (at a theme park called 'Six Flags Over Texas' below). She will graduate from college this December. Only a few years after me, hahaha. Actually, she has also been working as a nurse for the past few years, so it makes since that she is graduating now.

As I said above, I went to Universal Studios Japan in Osaka. For those who don't know, Osaka is the second largest city in Japan, but it is a little dirty I'm told. When I arrived, I had to meet up with some friends who were already there exploring things (I would have left with them early that morning, but I had to wait for a delivery of food from America). Since I arrived around 4:30pm I didn't actually get to do much with them that day(I did gain some confidence in my ability to travel around Japan by my self though). Basically, I just went to Osaka port and met my friends and then we went to eat and then to the hotel. Let me comment about the hotel; it was the smallest hotel room I have ever seen in my life. But, it was clean I think. Also, I found spelling errors on their official documents (daily errors are okay, but documents should be checked and rechecked for errors I think). Also, I found this cool bag (there is a picture below) in the drawer. You are suppose to use this bag incase there is a fire. My guess is: instead of burning to death, you are suppose to put the bag over your head (as shown in the picture) and suffocate your self (apparently, it's as easy as one, two->the number of steps it takes to do it). Actually, if you can't see or breath because of the smoke, you are suppose to fill the bag with air and put it over your head and try to make it to the exit.

We had to walk forever to find a resturant to eat at that didn't have a one hour or more wait. It was a bit expensive, but it tasted okay. In the morning there was a free breakfast buffet and it was actually okay (not good, but it wasn't bad either). As soon as we finished breakfast we left for Universal Studios (which opens at 9am).
Let me explain something which makes absolutely no sence to me. When one goes to a theme park in the U.S.A., if they pay for a ticket before they go to the park all they have to do is walk up to the entrance gate and give it to the person. It does not matter if that ticket was bought off the internet and printed, if it was bought at a store or anywhere (as long as it is legitimate). People often do this for the very purpose of avoiding the long lines at the theme park ticket counters. However, in Japan, we bought our ticket at the convenient store the day before we left. Then when we arrived, we went to the entrance gate and they told us that we had to take the tickets that we bought at the convenient store to the ticket counter to get the ticket to enter the park (the point of buying a ticket before arriving at the park seemed to be lost on these people at the park). So, we had to go and wait in the ticket line, behind the people who were buying there tickets at the gate, for the exact same price we bought ours for, to get the 'REAL' ticket. In other words, there was no real reason for the tickets at the convenient store. In fact, you had to select a specific date for the ticket at the convenient store, so if something happend and you couldn't go that day, the ticket would be useless and you would have lost your money (because they don't refund here).

Anyways, I did get some good pictures. And of course, I found something that had something to do with Texas, not just the west (the picture is below). It's a popcorn shop. I didn't actually get to stop by because we were in a hurry to get back. I have never actually seen this store in Texas.

I took the picture of the Hello Kitty float for my baby sister, but I doubt she ever gets to check my blog.

This picture is of my friend Paul (from Equador) and myself standing by the car from Back to the Future. They have this exact same ride at the Universal Studios in Flordia (so I had already been on it before), but this one is in Japanese.

This picture is of the entrance of the park. We are all about to enter the gate (this is a picture of all of us, except me who is taking the picture). Dispite the weather prediction, it did not rain that day.

Another picture of the parade.

Now, let me explain a few more events. On the way back we thought we had plenty of time to make it back to Nagoya, but as luck would have it, there was a problem with the train, so we had to wait more than 45 minutes before we could actually leave the station. Everyone tried to pile on the train after the long delay and we had to stay packed in there for the 20 minute ride back to Osaka station. The next train was pretty full to, but atleast we were able to get seats (others were not so lucky, they had to stand for about 1 hour to the trip to the next station called Ogaki). At Ogaki we had to transfer for another train bound for a station called Maibara. On that train we did have to stand for about 50 minutes (this is after a long day of walking). At Maibara we transfered again, but this time we got to sit the rest of the way to Nagoya station. Because of the delay we were getting worried that even though we would make it to the station, maybe we would not be able to make the last subway back to our apartments. I made it back to mine on the very last train (in fact, I only made it to Motoyama, one station before the one I needed, but it is withen walking distance). It was a long day (but it had fun parts).
As for the rides, most of them were just a little under average (spiderman was fun though). They had a small roller coaster (it was okay). I think that my opinion of the theme park is a little worste than my friends opinions because I have been to a lot of theme parks. I think it would have been better if I had only been to one or two. Actually, I probably shouldn't compare it to Six Flags Over Texas. That is a little unfair I think. Six Flags has a larger advantage. Over all, I think the trip was worth it. Now I can say that I have been to Universal Studios Japan! If any of my friends come back with me when I visit Texas, I think I'm going to take them to Six Flags Over Texas. I'm sure that will be fun. There was more I wanted to talk about, but I can't remember what it was.
I had to go to a seminar today. It was a joint seminar between Nagoya University and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). It was in English and was very interesting, but what I also found interesting was that none of the invited speaks (professors from UCLA) nor the students from UCLA were actually American (by birth at least)! The three invited speakers were born in India, France and China. All the students from UCLA came from the lab of the Chinese professor and they too were all Chinese (actually, this is common in California because of the large Asian population and the fact that around half of the teaching assistantships/fellowships are awarded to foreigners). Personally, I think it is a good thing that so many people come to the U.S. to study and live, but I would have liked it if at least one of them that was born in the U.S.A. Maybe I will begin to think that the foreign students that study in the U.S. in the same fields are actually better at what they do than those born in the U.S. studing in the same field.
I'm going to try to save up enough money to visit Texas this summer. I hope that I am can. It's difficult being gone for so long. By the way, as of April the 4th I will have been in Japan for 1 year. Maybe in another year I will be fluent (I hope). I think that my friends and I will have a party to celebrate that. We'll see.
Well, it's late and I want to go to sleep. Thanks for reading. See ya'll around.
Quote of the night is by Popeye the Sailor Man:
"I ani't no physicist, but I knows what matters."
Quote of tomorrow is by some guy I have never heard of named Jack Handey:
"Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: 'Mankind'. Basically, it's made up of two seperate words- 'mank' and 'ind'. What do these words mean? It's a mystery and that's why so it mankind.
That's all.
(See you around Uncle Rick. I got your E-mail).


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