Sunday, June 04, 2006

Pictures and Explanations

Before you read, please know that I have posted more photos in another article below this one (of the Nagoya University Festival). Coming soon are pictures from a trip to a Ninja House (actually it will becoming at the end of the month-I think I will be able to go after all).

Okay, I want to explain these pictures. Since Uncle Rick asked for pictures where I was doing something crazy, it was suggested that I stand in the middle of the road an wait for cars to come by why I try to give them the old crane kick. But, since the road was busy, I decided to act it out with Cecil. In the one on the right I lost my balance (because I was laughing) and had to retake the picture (the first photo on the left). Now, there are 2 photos with some guy in what looks to be a robot mask. He is tring to preform every street act ever done (hence the title 'Street Champion'), the only problem is he cannot preform them very well. So, he acts as if he is crying in defeat. The one photo where he has bowling pins by his knees he failed a juggling and is on his knees in shame. In the next photo of him, he is wiping his eyes because he tried to make an animal balloon and failed miserably. His act was halarious. Next, there is a picture with a Japanese friend of mine (from the basketball circle) and myself. I have mentioned him in a previous article. His name is Yoshitaka. He is just slightly shorter than myself. The picture makes it look as if there is an obvious height difference, but it is only because I am standing a bit infront of him. He speaks English pretty good I think. There is another picture of the festival where everyone is dancing (nothing interesting, except they all had the same dance moves-maybe they trained together or it is a familar dance to them). Finally, there is a picture of Cecil and Paul standing in front of the Kaikan (where we live) after returing from the festival. Cecil likes playing soccer (but they call it football in Brazil). The kaikan is in there to show you where I live. Well, I still have homework to finish and I have class tomorrow so I have to go (there is not enough time to do everything-I shouldn't really be writing this today). By the way, I like hearing from everyone. So, please e-mail me or leave a comment or whatever if you feel like it.
Also, Happy Father's Day dad (and Uncle Rick-since you are ofcourse a father as well). I have been meaning to send something from Japan, but by the time I leave the lab the post office is closed (since I leave around 11pm and I'm in class all day before I go to the lab). I will eventually get around to it.
Now the quote of the day. Since I don't feel like finding a quote and I am almost to the end of my relavant short quotes that bounce around in my head, todays quote will be from Shakespear's play 'King Lear' (not sure if that is how you spell it). It is not really relavant with anything that I have talked about today, but here it is:
"This is the excellent floppery of the world, that, when we are sick in fortune, often the suffiet of our own behavior, we make guilty of our disastors the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. As if we were villians by necessity, fools by heavenly compulsion. An admirable evasion of whore master man, to lay his goatish disposition to the charge of a star."

I may have just buchered the spelling, but that's how I remember it (please forgive my spelling errors, I'm from Texas).

Adios Amigos
Ja Mata

Nagoya University Summer festival (Meidaisai)

Okay, these are a few picture of the Nagoya University Festival (Meidaisai). I wanted to post more, but I also want to post a few other pictures to tell you about people I know (and my camera needs to be recharged so I want to get those pictures in in another article). Let me quickly explain about some of these picture (without an explanation, some will look really strange). The top left and bottom right pictures are some guys in drag dancing for a very large crowd (it was extremly funny). I have video of it, but I don't know how to put it on my blog yet. But the event attracted the largest crowd of any other event that I saw. There were many different acts on guys in drag (some of which I wish I had never seen). I wish I could show you the video I took with my digital camera (then you would understand). When I figure out how to load that on here, it will be the first thing you see. Now the top right picture (from left to right). My friend Celcil from Brazil, it is always fun to hang out with him (he speaks Japanese better than I do). Then there is some guy that was working at an icecream stand, but he has on a type of traditional japanese shirt (I don't remember what it is called) so we asked him to stand in the picture (actually I wanted everyone from that booth to stand in the picture, but I think that would have been asking to much). Next in line is my friend Paul from Equador. I like talking to him because he speaks English very well (and he understands the way that I mean thinks-in English of course, some things cannot be translated directly-he understands the sarcasim and the hidden meaning of the words). Also, he is interesting to talk to (he likes apples). Then ofcourse, there is some girl in a Kimono. I don't know her, but I think the other girl working in the booth (selling icecream) wearing the blue Kimono should have posed with us instead. After that is me (I'm doing something crazy in the picture Uncle Rick! I'm eating Japanese icecream with red beans and rice balls at the same time). Next picture (from the top left, the second down). Nothing to explain. Paul, some other girl in a Kimono and myself. At the bottom is the Fire dance. I only caught the end. This photo was from the previous day at the festival (I was to busy to go that day, so I missed everything except the end of the fire dance).