Sunday, May 06, 2007

Golden Week, Hot Springs, Nagoya Port, Italian Village (but, not in that order)

It has been more than a month since my last article, but there wasn't really that much to write about. Before Golden Week, some friends and I went to an arcade by Nagoya Port and we also went on a big Ferris Wheel where I took some photos of Nagoya. I only posted one below.

The port was okay, but I found out that they closed my favorite store (Village Vanguard). There are other Village Vanguards in Nagoya, but I think the one at the port was best. I was able to find Dr. Pepper there when we went to eat a place that serves Tacos and Beer (but the taste of the tacos were slightly off). Also, I posted a picture of there sign below.

Can you tell me anything strange about this sign??? I give you a hint, it's under the part that says, "HARD SHELL TACO." Well, did you find it??? The part that reads MEAT or CHICKEN. Last time a checked, chicken is meat. It makes me wonder what they ment when they say meat. My best guess is that they don't use 'just' beef in there tacos. In Japan it is very common for people to use a ground beef/pork mix to make such things (where as in the U.S. we use only beef or only chicken and I have heard of fish tacos). I should have taken a picture of the taco place as well (it's kind of interesting). After that, we went to the Italian Village (I posted on picture of it).

It was okay as well. The imported store there was more expensive the other imorted stores (don't know why). For the most part, it is a clothing department store and food court, but the atmosphere is okay. We (my friends and I) met a few of my other friends there (one that I didn't really know that well was celebrating the fact that they return to Brazil the next day-a good bye party). It's a shame that I didn't get to know her better, she was some what interesting and she has friends in Houston, Texas (so she couldn't be that bad).

On the 2nd of May I went to visit my host family (the same one I visited last year and did an artilce for my blog over) in Tsu. Of course, they seem the same. We went to the Onsen (hot springs) which was a little strange for me because my culture is different. It's difficult for me to be in the same room as a bunch of guys who are bathing (that was really strange to me). But I was trying to think of it as a cultural difference. I wore a bathing suit! I'm sure I stuck out really bad.
Also, at the hot springs there was a guy who was a professional carver (he only uses chainsaws), making chainsaw art. It was rather interesting. He was carving an Eagle head attached to a giant feather. (There is one picture of that)

He could speak a little English.

On the 5th of May it was Kodomo no hi (Children's day). Even though it's called Children's day, it's only for boys. Girls have a different festival called Hina Matsuri (festival of the dolls). Around Children's day, you always see carp streamers every where. The pictures below were taken at a Shrine with my host family (they have 2 sons). The oldest son of my host family got to dress up in Samurai armor. Actually, it is very heavy and it was difficult for him to wear and walk around in. But, at the Shrine they priest prayed for the children to grow up to be stong and healthy. Then after praying for them, told them that if they eat their food and listen to their parents they would grow up to be Genki (translates as health, but doesn't EXACTLY mean that). We all got fortune slips at the shrine after that. I got one that said I would have Big Luck (so I was happy about that). I don't really believe in fortune slips though.

So, my visit with my host family went pretty well. I was able to communicate with them a lot better this time (I think). The last day it was a little difficult for me because I wasn't getting much sleep (it's difficult for me to sleep at nights).

They threw a party for me the day before I left (a birthday party, I'm 24 now). I invited them to our next Taco party if they can come. They said that maybe they could, but wern't sure. I had a good time. But, now I'm back in Nagoya and working on a report I have to get done by the 10th (and it's in Japanese):
Wish me luck on my report (I'm not that good at Japanese yet, so I'm going to need it). Anyways, I have no clue when my next article will be (I think my friends are throwing me a surprise party tonight, but I don't think I will do an article about it). I guess I'll see ya'll around. Thanks for reading.

Quote of the day is from Harrison Ford in the movie Indiana Jones:
"Nothing shocks me. I'm a scientist."
