Wednesday, August 30, 2006

First, hello Uncle Rick. Thanks for the comment. The comment read:

What about the Texas toothpick(this was in response to the Texas Chopsticks)? I really don't think some people would understand.Do you know that the only thing that keeps Texas from falling off into the Gulf of Mexico is the fact that Oklahoma sucks so much.
Sorry if that offended any of you Okees. Feel free to go to Japan and take it up with Ben!!!!!

Well, to answer your questions in order; No. I don't think people would understand either. And it's common knowledge that Oklahoma keeps Texas from falling into the Gulf for the reason you stated. And if any wacko is really willing to come to Japan to take it up with me, it was a Joke (they print 'Oklahoma is OK' on their licence plates) and all the names we use on here are fake.

So I hope everything is going good for you(uncle Rick) and congrats again. If you see Sam and Ducky please tell them I said hi.

This week I have mostly been studying Japanese. I'm also spending some time in the lab. I was told that in order to take the entrance exam I have to submit my final transcript and my diploma to some department or another. The only problem with that is that I had to submit my diploma when I applied for the scholarship, which means that I do not have it anymore. So I have to have another one made. No problem right? Well, it take about 2 months to get another one printed and they need the diploma for the exam in a little less than 2 months. So, it will be close I think. I sent the order form the other day by express mail to Tarleton. Today I met with a Japanese friend of mine that I am helping with English. I have not seen her all summer until today. She is going to take the TOEFL soon because she wants to study in America (I think I can understand that). I just found out today that apparently we (the Monbukagakusho scholars) are suppose to give a presentation of our research on Friday to the other Monbukagakusho scholars in Japanese. I didn't know anything about this until today, so I don't really have time to prepare anything(apparnetly we were given a schedule when the course ended about a month ago, but I didn't get one). I don't think that most people would understand either.
Me: Hello, my name is Ben. I want to talk about Nuclear Resonance Analysis of light elements and Rutherford Backscattering and a way of using the two together so you can dectect to a high accuracy the light elements in a sample. (remember the technical terms are in Japanese and most of the scholar's Japanese is worst than mine) First, let me explain how a Pelletron, Vandegraf, tandum and cyclotron/cyncrotron accelerator work. Next we will go deep into the inner workings of particle interactions at different fermi-energy levels, by the way, keep the band gaps of all the elements that we discuss in mind. etc...
Listeners: What???
Me: It's very simple I assure you. Your probably thinking to hard about it. Just think of it in terms of semi-classical conservation of energy. But be aware that many of the virtual particles that are used to explain some interactions do take place, so you may not actually be able to get the energy we talked about out without increasing the amount that you put in. Which will obviously lead to certain relativistics effects if you increase the energy to much and you will have to start increasing the energy exponentially. Understand?
Listeners: Oh. It's all clear now. (sarcastically)

So I think the presentation will go well, how about you? This weekend I am planning on making tacos. Real tacos, just like the kind one gets a taco bell (according to the box). In Japan it seems to be difficult to find sourcream, refried beans and cheddar cheese. We have found cheddar cheese, as for the rest-not yet. I a going to have some friends in the Kaikan help, that way they can all taste real tacos. We even have the hard shells that one cannot find in Japan (or atleast I couldn't).
So I found an apartment. It is a bit expensive I think, but it is right by the University and that saves on a commuter pass, so that helps. Also, it saves time (that is very important). But it is probably loud around the University. I wanted to live in a quite place. It's rather nice though I think (compared to the others that I have seen. I guess I move in at the end of November.
I was looking a plane tickets to fly home for Christmas, but the cheapest is about 1100. I checked other times of the year and the price drops almost 400. I'm trying to calculate if I will have enough money to pay for it now, because it will just continue to increase in price if I don't. I think I may have to wait until what ever holiday comes after New Years in Japan to visit my family. I will definitely miss the different pies and other treats that I enjoy during Christmas.

Speaking of pies and treats, I found a place nere my dorm that has pies (almost the same as home) and other bakery items (minus cookies). And it is not expensive. I wish I had known about this place earlier. I'm going back tomorrow.
Other than that, I can't remember the other things I was going to write about. I forget everything (and since some people don't wear deoderant here, I have to leave the computer room now). So here is todays quote: By Dr. Rutherford (I think I've used this one before)
'All science is either physics or stamp collecting.'

Later Ya'll.