Saturday, October 21, 2006

My New Apartment

Well, I'm back once again. I know that I said my article would be at the beginning of October, but I couldn't seem to find my camera's USB adapter to put the pictures on my blog. Also, I had to change my computer to a Japanese set up because I cannot print on the network that we use with the Engish set up that I had so I lost everything that was once saved on my computer that I did not back up (unfortunately). Now I am busy of course. The entrance exam will be coming up on the 20th of November and I think I should study a little. I feel pretty confident about the quantum physics section, but I should probably review other sections more. Anyways, I took pictures of my apartment before I moved anything into it. I think that I said before that on top of my building (on the 8th floor) there is a temple. And directly below my balcony is parking spot 13, but if you look a little in front of that there is a Shrine (or rather grave) of the 4th son of Tokugawa (from the Tokugawa shogunate-an import part of Japanese history). My apartment is not big (and is quite small compared to American apartments) but it is rather clean. I can still hear loud motorcycles racing up and down the road in front of my apartment at night (which is why I wanted to live in Ueda-it's suppose to be quite there), but I think when it becomes colder people won't be riding motorcycles. My apartment doesn't have a refrigerator yet. I only have a single burner for cooking with. Ovens are not something that are usually present in a Japanese kitchen I don't think. And the one's that they do have are usually very very small (you couldn't fit a small whole chicken in one). Luckly, my friends have a oven that is about 1/3 the size of an American over, so we will be able to cook a Thanksgiving turkey (although a small one) for the holiday (currently we are working on the party details). It seems as though I am pretty sure I will be going back to Texas for Christmas (or rather somewhere around the 14th of December-> which is less than 2 months away). I will have to bring back some boots and a cowboy hat for myself. I think that because boots and a cowboy hat would take up to much room in my suitcase I will probably have to wear them from Texas to Japan (I think I will be a little embarrassed, but I will probably end up doing that anyways). There is a trip to Mt. Fuji on the 3rd of November and I'm thinking about going. I will have to make up my mind by Monday (I think it is free, but just costs time). It would make a nice article, but then again I am busy. Anyways, I started Japanese class again. I have a lot of homework from that class as well. It's suppose to last until some time into Feburary, but I will have to miss about 3 weeks of it because I'm going to return to Texas I think. I don't know what kind of gifts to bring back for everyone from Japan (I'm thinking about it). Anyways, I'm a bit to busy to do anything fun and so I have no interesting pictures to show. Maybe next time.
See y'all around and adios mi amigos.

Physics quote of the Month is one from the great physicist Dr. A.E and there is a quote of the day from the same person:
(Neither of these are direct quotes, I translated it from a Japanese book that I am trying to read about Albert Einstien quotes. In other words if you look it up, it may not be word for word. And for this reason I also posted it in Japanese too.)
Quote of the Day: "私は先のことなど考えたことがありません。すぐに来てしまうのですから。”
English: "I don't worry about things that have happened before. It's because everything comes so fast." (Or to my best guess that is what is says)
Quote of the Month: ”人は、海のようなものてある。 あるときは穏やかで友好的。あるときはしけて、悪意に満ちている。ここで知っておかなければならないのは、人間もほとんどが水で構成されているということです。”
English: "People are like the ocean. There are times when they are gentle and kind. There are times when they are stormy and full of bad intentions. What one must also keep in mind is that people are also mostly made of water."

It is not an easy book for me to read, but to my best guess those are the translations of the quotes.
Well, another day, another time. Later.