Thursday, November 08, 2007


I ran out of time while I was doing this article and I wasn't able to finish loading all of the pictures (and some of the best are left out). But, these will at least get my point across. I didn't really search for them as I had planned, but I still have some pictures to post. Actually, if you want some really bad (and even discusting) Engrish, you have to go cloths shopping in Japan...they have stuff that I wouldn't dare post on my blog (and people wear them all the time). Most of them feature volgare words and/or cute animated animals saying and doing bad things. I saw in a picture a little girl wearing a shirt that said, F**K You, with a teddy bear giving the finger to everyone. That's not even the beginning of them.

From a pizza box. The box is advertised as a "crispy carton." Well it sounds delicious.

Lemon Tea. The carton says, "Lipton is one of the world's great refreshment brands, making a big splash in the global beverages market with tea-based drinks. Enjoy lipton chilled ice tea-one of a range of tasty. Well, it was one of the range of tasty. I thought it was tasty okay.

I don't think I really need to comment on this, you think that they actually try to come up with a name that will make a native English speaker laugh or is it one of those things that just happen? If you read in Japanese, it says creamy chocolate collon. They are even in the shape of little colons. (I know they have an extra L, but the sound is the same.)

Yes, famiry is very important. Actually, although they corrected it, when I first saw the sign a long time ago they had the famiry and the single apartments backwards (so the famiry was only single looms and the single was famiry looms).

This is taken at the bus stop in Hoshigaoka. It says "Alight Only." Well, once again a dictionary would have come in handy. According to my dictionary Alight is defined as-(1) Burning, (2) Someone whose face or eyes are alight is excited and happy, (3) bright with light or color. Do you think they are asking us to start a fire? Again, this is a PUBLIC SIGN. ERRORS SHOULD NOT BE MADE ON PUBLIC SIGNS!!!

This is one of my favorites. No, there is no spelling error, but this can not be too good for peoples self confidence. Feeling good about yourself are you? Then just look in this mirror. (Why would anyone write TRASH over a mirror that people have to pass by in the subway anyways? You get to see it everyday. So a mirror gets to call you trash everyday.)

This energy gum claims to be men's style, but when I tried it, it made my breath smell like a mens room with cigarets thrown in the toilets. But luckily the chocolate that I bought with it saved my life.

This is a pizza box. Maybe it means to open the lid with a smile, but instead says, "open up with your smile." Well, not that big of a complaint there.

Sign says, "Let's Buy Go Toys." Another one of those public advertising things again.

"Ladyes and Mens"...Okay, we need to talk about plural forms (these are not the possessive forms either). Are they trying to make it more plural than it already is?

Well, I'm going to try this place tomorrow morning. Looks fun.

I have no objection to the English writing that they used in this sign. I couldn't find the smallest error, but...Vandalism is prohibited, Interference with administrative duty is prohibited, and General misconduct is prohibited??? Man, I miss the public places where they allow you to vandalize, interfere and behave badly.

They were right, I was able to digest these chocolate cookies! I was surprised.

About the above picture...I have no comment (but it wouldn't really bother me).

On a public sign!?! Be sure fo keep away from diksionairees when making a public sign (that everyone will see).

At least it is right to the point. Vitamin Drink (no fancy smancy brand here).

The package says, "We provide a first class taste brought directly from the earth." Well, I guess it's nice to know that aliens are not making my apple ring snacks.

Again, no comment (but it's okay with me).

Photos of The Premium Calpis and Calpis Water (try pronouncing that 5 times fast...don't kid yourself, it does sound like what you're thinking). Calpis has all kinds of drinks. I even came across one that was called coolpis (no joke, but didn't have camera at the time).

Next is Skal. It says, "Skal is our proprietary milk-based pop, the unique hybride of skim milk and soda. Just take a sip of it and you will find it so cool and refreshing. 'Love Skal' always our pride."
What kind of person would have thought to combine milk and sode??? He or she must have thought, "hum...I like milk, but I also like soda...if only there were a way to have them both at the same time." Well, trust me when I tell you that it tastes the same way that it sounds (I know).

Next is Platinum Water BD. It says, "We are entering an age of Body Designing done freely by individuals. This is a gift to those who wish to be beautiful. New age Mineral Water designed to support beauty and health." Sounds like genetic engineering to me (cool). But they say it's a gift, but they wouldn't let me leave the store with it without paying.

Now is Pocari SWEAT (not Sweet). Don't you want to try a drink that has sweat in the name. Here is the description on the bottle, "Pocari Sweat is a healthy beverage that smoothly supplies the lost water and electrolytes during persperation. With the appropriate density and electrolyes, close to that of human body fluid, it can be easily absorbed into the body."
Well, it does taste the way I imagine human body fluid would taste.

Trying to finish up my research at the moment, but it's becoming difficult because of the short time that I have with the machines and we haven't received some things that I need to continue my experiments. Looks like I'm leaving on December 10th for good. Anyways, I really have to go (I'm a little busy right now). Not sure what I'm going to be doing in the near future, but I will have a Thanksgiving party (once again this year) on the 24th. There will definitely be an article for that. Anyways. See y'all around.