Thursday, September 28, 2006

Not Really An Article

I said that I wouldn't write another article until I moved into my new apartment (that article will be about my new apartment by the way. And I will have pictures), so I don't really consider this an article. Actually it is just a picture that I forgot to put in another article and I wanted to expain this one. Okay, you have seen the picture above. It was taken at Shirakawa, you can see other pictures of Shirakawa from one of the previous posts. This particular one is taken from a museum at Shirakawa. If you notice the green sign in the top right you will notice it is of a person running. It is an exit sign. Now, look out the second story window. Do you see any stairs? Neither did I when I was there. So, to recap, an exit sign on the second floor that is a 2 story drop. It made me feel smart to see a sign like this. Anyways, moving in to a new apartment is not fun and I'm busy. See y'all later.
(In a last minute decision, I added my favorite picture from Shirakawa as well.)
-No quote of the day since this is not really an article.