Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Thus Far

I ment to write this article a few days ago. I guess this is a recap article of all that has happend here thus far.
A long time ago I started the application process for the monbukagakusho scholarship. Then eventually I got accepted. So I can to Japan on April the 4th. The plane flight was long, but I was able to stop in Chicago and see my little sisters one more time before I came here. Luckily, I flew JAL (which is probably the best airline there is I think), so the long flight was not that bad. When I arrived I spent one night in Tokyo and then had to get up the next morning and get on the bullet train for Nagoya Station. On the way I met other people who were also going to Nagoya University. Oddly enough we all ended up on the same train and in the same dorm (there is a much larger dorm that they send most students to, the one I stay in has around 30 or 40 students). Also, most of our rooms were on the same floor and in the same hallway. So, I made friend very quickly when coming here. After that I wonderd around the section of the city that I live in and got lost several times (and my Japanese wasn't as good back in those days). I met all the people in my lab (I'm the only foreigner, while most of the other students have other foreigners in their lab).
Then we started classes and I became busy. During golden week holiday in Japan I did a home stay with a host family. I think that was fun (but I still feel like I was imposing on other people). I made some Japanese friends. I joined a basketball circle and made more friends. I found some people that I didn't really care to know. There was a festival at the University. I made people watch the Shaw Shank Redemption (ofcourse). I went to a Ninja House and then climbed up a mountain to a temple (why they build the temple on the mountain??? I suspect that once they got up there, they didn't feel like walking all the way back down, so they decided to live up there instead). Some friends and I went to eat Mexican food. Some of my friends and I went to see fireworks at a festival in Toyota city. Their was a lab trip where I drank way to much and regretted it (I wont do it again). A basketball tournament where we lost in the quarter finals. The other day I went looking for my own apartment. Also, just the other day I got a package from my father in the mail. And now I am sitting in the lab writting about it. Do you know what Texas chopsticks are? I do. Also, a ton of stuff happend in between.
Soon, I plan on taking a trip some where (Shiraishi Jima I think), but I have not decided where. Next article I write will have pictures I hope, but for now I will see you around.
Quote of the day (I don't know who it is by):
"I will try to be a master among men and no longer a dreamer among shadows."