Saturday, January 24, 2009

Frisby Gold, Changing Weather and me burried pirate treasure.

So, it has been a while since I updated this, as usual. I came back from Skiing (as you know from the previous article) and started school. I'm taking one core class and six research hours this semester. I have been spending most of my time in the lab trying to optimize the laser in the Raman lab to 3 Watts, but I have only gotten 2 Watts thus far (and I've spend about 15 hours on it already). Not much is going on at the moment. I have to work at my part-time job sometimes, but that isn't difficult.
Before school started again my roommate and I went out and played frisby golf at the frisby golf course next to where I live. It's pretty fun. It's like golf, but with frisbies (pictures below).

On the frisby golf course I found a giant plastic X on the ground and had to pretend that I was a pirate looking for burried treasure.

Later on I decided that it must be a giant + and not X because there was no treasure under it.
Weellllllll, that's about all. Things are probably going to start getting a little busy since school started. I hope I can still do some interesting things (other than research) during this semester. I will probably be going to Hawaii over Spring Vacation. That's something to look forward to.
Adios for now.