Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Quick Update

This is going to be rather short. On Saturday I will be going to the Ninja House after all (since someone I know cancelled and I decided to take his place). As long as I don't forget my camera, I think that the next article will be worth looking at. I will probably post it on Sunday (Texas Time). I found out that I have to start my experiments next week (that means no time, only experiments-> I wonder how far behind I will fall in Japanese class???). This saturday after ninja house, some friends and I are going to a Mexican resturant (so I can eat solphapias -> or however that is spelled). I'm bringing my friend from Equador at the very least (since he speaks spanish ofcourse) and probably some Brazillians and maybe a Japanese friend or two. I will take pictures of that as well I think. Next weekend I think that we will try the Outback or The Hardrock Cafe. Ofcourse either of those would warrent an article I think (because something interesting usually happens). Today I was teaching some friends in my lab about Dr. Pepper. I have been told that one can find it at Nagoya, but I don't know where yet. I told uncle Rick that I would try to get a friend of mine to take a picture of me sneaking up on a Ninja, so that should be interesting to see I think. For the rest of the day I will be here (as usual) in the lab working on various things (if I only had more time). -Okay, I'm just back from a short break of talking with a friend and I found where to get Dr. Pepper in Nagoya. It's at a place by the harbor at a shop that is suppose to sell things from around the world. I think I will go there soon (good to know). Well, that's all for today.
Quote of the day is by the Great Dr. A.E. ofcourse:

"Space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind union of the two will preserve an independent reality."
