Saturday, November 08, 2008

Halloween and Fall

Well, Halloween came and went. We had around 30 Trick or Treater's stop by. I gave out chocolate candy bars, butter fingers, and Reese's peanutbutter cups. I actually ran out of candy to give them, so I had to turn off the front pourch light so they would know to stop coming by. I did carve a pumpkin for Halloween. I posted a picture of it below.

Also, Fall has arrived. It is rather nice out today. Unfortunately I don't have the time to enjoy the weather with all of the work that I have to do for school and stuff. I feels like I am a gofers in a hole that only gets to come out when the weather is either way too hot or too cool to enjoy.
Also, Thanksgiving is coming up rather soon. I only get 2 days off for it though and also I will have to use practically both of them to study for exams (FINALS!!!). I'm not exactly sure what I will be doing for Thanksgiving yet. Maybe going to my mothers. I think my Dad must work on that day, so they won't be having a get-together. Whatever I choose, I will have to leave as soon as it is over and come back here to study.
I was sitting down the other day teaching a Freshman (that's first year student) Astronomy lab when I thought, I bet I can easily derive the equations of motion for a central force (as I should be able to). Then I started to work at it. The problem should have only taken about 5 minutes, but since I forgot to account for the idiot factor (which people who are idiots must take into account when they start to solve stuff), I couldn't do it. But, when I remembered that I am really dumb when I don't sleep at all the night before I was easily able to solve the problem. In case you couldn't tell, this is all in preparation for my Advanced Mechanics exam. I need to do really good on it to feel good about the class.
My Mathematical Methods of Physics class is going pretty well now. However, they both decided to schedule their exams a day apart AGAIN, which is what caused me to do bad on the Advanced Mechanics exam in the first place (there wasn't enough time to study for both of I studied for Math Methods and got the highest grade in the class on that exam...but did not so great on the Advanced Mechanics exam). I'm going to start studying for them today. I think I will do good on both of them this time.
I'm still trying to figure out if I can go to Japan over the Winter vacation. I think I will be able to, but I'm trying to work everything out. I will let y'all know how it is going rather soon. And if Fausto is reading this, my diplomatic problem is still bothering me a little.
Well, not much to report. All I can say is that one of my roommates is still cool and one of my roommates is still a giant douchebag. All I have been doing is working and studying. Which reminds me, I better go study. I guess I will see y'all around.
Adios for now!