Saturday, November 22, 2008

Japan, My New Scholarship and Finals

(Also, Thanksgiving is going to be here on Thursday!!! I guess I will have an article over that with pictures.)
Well, let's update on a few things that have happened. Number of my roommates is still cool and the other one is an even bigger douchebag than I told people he was. I guess I cannot describe the douchiness of this guy. He accused me of going into his room the other day and taking a really smelly dump...which I found halarious (even though I didn't do it). Peoples rooms are like a personal boundary that I won't cross unless I know the person very well and am sure it is okay with them. (What a douche that guy is.)
Let's see...I did get the scholarship to go back to Japan for a year (even though I don't really qualify for it according to the guidelines of the scholarship), but I declined it and instead accepted a more competative fellowship that lasts for upto 5 years (which I won't need it for that long) and pays me a lot more. It also gets me out of teaching all of the Astronomy Labs. It allows me to just spend my time doing research (which I'm pretty happy about). And, as I said, it gives me about $500 a month more. However, I will apply for the scholarship again next year, which will put me back in Japan in 2010, which, if my friends are not there anymore, will kind of suck!
I recieved an e-mail from my undergraduate professor yesterday saying that the research article that I wrote years ago was accepted for publishing (I guess he just submitted it a couple months ago). So, that's good. I will have a published paper in December.
Do you remember when I wrote about how bad I did on my Advanced Mechanics exam? Well, apparently everyone did, so the professor decided to offer a second exam to the class and he will weigh it more than the first. So, I studied rather hard for the exam and I'm sure I did better this time...unfortunately I think I will make a B instead of an A on this exam. Which is OK...but I wanted an A.
Finals are coming up. This semester ends in 3 weeks! I have another exam in one of my other classes in 3 days (so I should start studying for it) and a presentation in the other on Saturday. I expect I will make A's in 2 of my 3 classes and a B in the other. That is not that bad...but I still have never had a semester where I have made all A's. I have made a B in at least one of my classes since I started college. Next semester I think I will make all A's. I'm going to sign up for Statistical Mechanics, Mathematical Methods II, and probably a research/special problems class. It should be pretty doable.
Anyways, I have to start my Christmas shopping pretty soon. I'm getting a bunch of Solar Panels and money from my parents for Christmas (as I asked for)...maybe Santa will bring me some too:) Anyways, if any of my friends are reading this, I'm going to try and be there for the New Years, but I'm not sure if I can make it yet (it depends), so I may need your address to send you some Christmas gifts (or at least one of y'alls address to send all of the gifts and y'all can just sort them).