Friday, December 08, 2006

Packing to leave again-Back to U.S.A.

Howdy! Well, once again I'm packing to leave (but not for a long time, just for about 3 weeks). I'm returning to the U.S.A. for the holidays. At the moment I'm doing XRD in the lab, but there is a 2 hour wait for the process to be over, so I'm waiting. I have a basketball tournament tomorrow. Maybe I will do a quick article with a picture or something before I leave (which is in about 6 days-> on the 14th). I'm busy trying to figure out what to bring people back from Japan, which is actually really difficult since we can get pretty much everything in the U.S. that one can find in Japan (but the opposite is not true). Plus, Japanese products in the U.S. are cheaper than in Japan (I find that strange that they would charge their own citizens more than another contries, even after transportation expenses). I'm not sure how the tournament will turn out tomorrow for me (because my toe still is in pretty bad shape and it hurts). I have a ton of stuff to do before I leave (again) and not enough time to do it in (again). But, I don't really care. I'm happy to be going back for a short time to visit. I probably wont get to do it again for another year. Atleast I'm understanding Japanese much better (when I get enough sleep). Maybe I'll report on the tournament before I leave.

Anyways, what am I going to do once I get back to the States??? First, I'm going to go to Whataburger and order the largest, most unhealthy burger that they have with large fries (so probably a double whataburger with cheese, extra bacon and all the toping except onions. Heck, leave the onions, I won't care.) It makes me hungary just thinking about it. Then after I eat ALL of it I will probably just go to bed since I will have been up for more than a day straight thanks to the plane ride. The next day it is off to Six Flags over Texas(which is the greatest theme park in the world). Then I will leave Dallas/Fort Worth for a while and go to Waco. After that my schedule is not decided, but I'm really looking forward to seeing open spaces once again. I have a TON of gifts that I will have to bring back from Texas to other people. I promised people I would bring back lots of pictures (but my camera cannot be recharged in the U.S. without an adapter). While I'm in the U.S. I will continue working on my blog so my friends can keep track (because I have told them enough about Texas that they should be close to native Texans by now). Well, as I said I'll try and keep everyone posted. Have to talk to y'all later (I need to get back to the XRD machine). See y'all around.

The quote is the same as you will find at the top of the blog. It's one of my favorites:
"I know not with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones."-A.E.