Sunday, September 14, 2008

What is Recollection?

It has, once again, been a while since I updated my blog (almost a month...okay, it has been a month). I keep meaning to update it, but I never can find the time. I didn't even submit my first homework assignments in two of my classes because I didn't have the time to do them (luckily, neither of the classes count a lot for is 15% and the other is 20% of the final grade).

So, what are you doing right now? Well, I am teaching a computer lab and having the students work independently. I am explaining how a camera works. The first question I am suppose to ask them is, "What is Recollection?" And then we discuss if for a while. The most common answers is "re-collecting thoughts." Can you actually say that is wrong? Of course, it is not wrong, but why give me the word broken down into the words it is actually composed of.
I probably shouldn't be doing this when I'm in the middle of teaching a lab, but I don't have time during any other part of the day. Besides, the students don't mind (they are working independently and will raise their hands if they need help).
I think I may have taken on more work that I can handle at the moment. I only have three classes, but two of them require a lot of work. I have a test in Mathematical Methods of Physics (which is one of my favorite classes...combines two things that I love), a difficult homework assignment in Advanced Classical Mechanic, a Test on Thursday, my Teaching Assistant duties, a job that I have to work at 4 days this week, Research, etc... Well, the list goes on and on. The outcome is that I have NO time to do anything.
It is looking more and more like I will be returning to Japan for a while (maybe a year...nothing is set in stone yet...and I have to beat up some other students for the position or something like that). But, instead of only having to return for the summer, I may have to go back for an entire year (don't know yet). We will see.
I still have one cool roommate and one that I don't like. The one that I don't like still knows nothing about physics. He expects to be able to graduate with his doctoral in 2 years, but he hasn't done any research since he has been here (he didn't do anything in Japan either). I don't think he understands what it takes to get a doctoral (and that he doesn't belong in this field since he is not willing to do the work). Doesn't really bother me though unless he actually does graduate (which I will take as an insult to the American education system and loose all faith in it). I really feel sorry for the class that he has to teach, but I'm not going to elaborate on the reason as to why.
I guess is was September 11th the other day. I remeber when I was in Japan, every September 11th they would have specials on and talk about the World Trade Centers, but in the USA it passed by rather quitely. I know there were gatherings in places and rememberance services, but it seemed to be a bigger deal in Japan than in the USA (or at least it felt that way). I almost forgot it was the anniversary.
Also, hurricane Ike came through, but didn't do much except give us some rain (did you know that hurricanes are caused by Chuck Norris practicing round house kicks in his back yard?). The weather at the moment is GREAT and will be for the next few days. Unfortunately, I will be stuck in here the rest of the day and inside studying for the entire week. So, even though it is nice outside (for the first time in a while), I will just be here doing other stuff and not enjoying it. (But, there will be other days of good weather). I have a little vacation at the end of November for Thanksgiving. I can't wait.
Well, just writing to keep my blog updated so you know I haven't forgotten about it yet. I hope that y'all are having a great time over there. I know that Viki and FauXto are in Hungary (aka: Hungaria) playing water polo and eating cheese (like nerds), so I'm glad that they are having a good time. Paul is working on his thesis (and probably applying for the doctoral program? better be, if I come back to Japan for a year and you are not there, I'm going to get upset and go back home!!!!). Well, thanks for helping me out with my situation. Y'all all are really good friends (let's all play a game of 'kick the puppy dog' when I get back...does any of y'all have a dog?).
Well, I guess I'll see y'all around.
Adios for now.