Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Updates (Scholarship, Part-time Job, Spring Break)

Well, it's Spring Break here. The other day was St. Patric's day. I didn't really do anything. Usually there is a parade and people drink green beer, but I didn't really fell like doing anything by myself, so I stayed home.
Before Spring Break, professors throw a bunch of test and my classes were no exception. Normally, I would have made A's on every test, but since I have a part-time job (tutoring students at Sylvan's Learning Center in Math) I didn't get to study as much as I should have. I don't think it would have made much of a difference in my quantum physics class since NONE of the stuff we were told to study was actually on the test. I was expecting a challenging test, but I was also expecting a test that was over the topic we covered! The test was over stuff that we covered in pervious classes in quantum mechanics and I wish I would have known that's what was going to be tested because I would have easily have been able to prepare for such a test. Instead, I think I bombed it and lost my A in the class (at least temporarily).
Speaking of part-time job, I wrote last time that I applied for a part-time tutoring job...well, I got it. Good right? Well, they say that "there is a good side to bad and a down side to up." I guess my situation is more like the "down side of up." I get more money, but I loose time that I really need to study.
I was going to go to the Alamo (in San Antonio) and take pictures and post them on my blog, but I doubt I will be able to go because of work. Soooo, I'm still going to try and go (there is a possibility that my work day on Saturday will be canceled due to lack of students, but I doubt it), but it does not look like I can. I wanted to do an article over it. The Alamo is not really the place were Texas began (Texas was created after the battle of San Jacinto), but it is a really important event in Texas (and U.S.) history and a symbol of Texas.
The other day I took my little sister to see a movie, but my baby sister was sick, so she couldn't go. Other than that, I haven't really taken advantage of my Spring Break time.
Now, about the scholarship...I still don't know anything for sure. I had to have recommendations submitted from previous professors the other day. I will know for sure if I'm coming back to Japan by the first week of April.
I was trying to figure out what I would do if I were able to come back to Japan. First, I have to burn down that place that gave me food poisoning! Next, I will have to stop by and visit my friends in Nagoya and give them all omiage from Texas. Then, my friends and I will all have to go out and do something dance on the ashes of the place that I burnt down for giving me food poisoning! Then we can hunt down the cooks who gave me food poisoning and give them food poisoning (I like that idea).
I know this wasn't really that interesting. I'll put something interesting up in a week or two (with pictures). Other than that, I hope to see ya'll in Japan in a couple months. Adios.